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  • -VON-Reykjavík-NACH-Paris (Le Havre)
  • Cruise Highlights
  • Schiff
    Seven Seas
  • Abreise
    28. Juli
  • Dauer
  • Landausflüge
    Bis zu 73
    • Kontakt
    • Preise ab
      11.280 USD


Click here to receive a list of all shore excursions being offered on this voyage.

A PDF of the available Shore Excursions for this voyage will be sent to the email address you provided shortly. If you do not receive it, please check your spam/junk folder and add noreply@rssc.com to your contacts.

Jul 28
9:00 PM
Jul 29
Cruising the Atlantic Ocean
Jul 30
8:00 AM
4:00 PM
Jul 31
Faroe Islands
10:00 AM
11:00 PM
Aug 01
Torshavn (Faroe Islands),
7:00 AM
6:00 PM
Aug 02
Kirkwall (Orkney Islands),
9:00 AM
7:00 PM
Aug 03
United Kingdom
8:00 AM
4:00 PM
Aug 04
Northern Ireland
9:00 AM
9:00 PM
Aug 05
Isle of Man
10:00 AM
7:00 PM
Aug 06
Dublin (Dún Laoghaire),
8:00 AM
11:00 PM
Aug 07
8:00 AM
6:00 PM
Aug 08
8:00 AM
6:00 PM
Aug 09
Ringaskiddy (Cork),
11:30 AM
6:30 PM
Aug 10
Cruising the Celtic Sea
Aug 11
7:15 AM
6:15 PM
Aug 12
Paris (Le Havre),
6:00 AM
= anchor port

Eingeschlossene Leistungen


  • Unbegrenzte Landausflüge
  • Exquisite Speisen, inklusive Spezialitätenrestaurants ohne Zusatzkosten
  • Unbegrenzte Getränke, erlesene Weine, hausgemachte Cocktails, Kaffeespezialitäten und mehr
  • Individuelle Minibar in der Suite, die täglich nach Ihren Wünschen aufgefüllt wird
  • Im Voraus entrichtete Trinkgelder
  • Unbegrenztes W-LAN*
  • Wäscheservice mit Bring- und Abholservice
  • Rund um die Uhr verfügbare Speisen in der Suite
  • Offene Bars und Lounges sowie dynamische Unterhaltung und bereichernde Erlebnisse


  • Hotelarrangement für eine Übernachtung vor der Kreuzfahrt
  • Bevorzugte Online-Reservierungen für Landausflüge und Speisen an Bord
  • Zusätzliche Preisvorteile für Regent Choice-Erlebnisse und -Programme an Land


  • Persönlicher Butler für einen noch schöneren Aufenthalt in der Suite
  • Tägliche Kanapees

Der Ultimate All-Inclusive-Preis sorgt für absolut nahtloses Reisen ab dem Zeitpunkt, zu dem Sie Ihr Haus verlassen.

  • Inbegriffene Flüge Hin- und Rückflug in der Kabinenkategorie Ihrer Wahl
  • Inbegriffener Transfer Bustransfer zwischen Flughafen und Hafen
  • Inbegriffener Chauffeur Privatchauffeur-Guthaben im Wert von bis zu 500 USD pro Suite für einen Privatchauffeur

* Bitte lesen Sie für weitere Informationen die Geschäftsbedingungen.

Suiten, Preise und Verfügbarkeit

Die Seven Seas Mariner® strahlt Klasse aus – angefangen beim köstlichen Speisenangebot des Chartreuse bis hin zur freundlichen Atmosphäre des Connoisseur Club.
Maximale Flexibilität


Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass Flexibilität der größte Luxus ist. Deshalb bieten wir Ihnen diverse Preisoptionen. Wählen Sie einen All-Inclusive-Kreuzfahrtpreis, genießen Sie während Ihrer Reise maximalen Luxus und planen Sie Ihre Flugreise mit maximaler Flexibilität. Alternativ können Sie ein Upgrade auf Ultimate All-Inclusive* durchführen. Damit erhalten Sie Flüge in Ihrer bevorzugten Kabinenkategorie (sofern verfügbar), Bustransfer zwischen dem Flughafen und Ihrem Schiff, sowie einen privaten Chauffeur-Service mit Blacklane.

  • Deluxe Veranda Suite H

    Veröffentlichter Preis
    37.998 USD
    Pro Person
    11.280 USD
    Pro Person
    *Ultimate Upgrade mit Economy-Flug
    + 1.840 USD
    Pro Person
    *Ultimate Upgrade mit Business-Flug
    + 5.925 USD
    Pro Person
  • Deluxe Veranda Suite G

    Veröffentlichter Preis
    38.798 USD
    Pro Person
    11.600 USD
    Pro Person
    *Ultimate Upgrade mit Economy-Flug
    + 1.840 USD
    Pro Person
    *Ultimate Upgrade mit Business-Flug
    + 5.925 USD
    Pro Person
  • Deluxe Veranda Suite F

    Veröffentlichter Preis
    39.598 USD
    Pro Person
    11.920 USD
    Pro Person
    *Ultimate Upgrade mit Economy-Flug
    + 1.840 USD
    Pro Person
    *Ultimate Upgrade mit Business-Flug
    + 5.925 USD
    Pro Person
  • Concierge Suite E

    Veröffentlichter Preis
    41.598 USD
    Pro Person
    12.776 USD
    Pro Person
    *Ultimate Upgrade mit Economy-Flug
    + 1.840 USD
    Pro Person
    *Ultimate Upgrade mit Business-Flug
    + 5.925 USD
    Pro Person
  • Concierge Suite D

    Veröffentlichter Preis
    42.398 USD
    Pro Person
    13.096 USD
    Pro Person
    *Ultimate Upgrade mit Economy-Flug
    + 1.840 USD
    Pro Person
    *Ultimate Upgrade mit Business-Flug
    + 5.925 USD
    Pro Person
  • Penthouse Suite C

    Veröffentlichter Preis
    46.798 USD
    Pro Person
    18.499 USD
    Pro Person
    *Ultimate Upgrade mit Economy-Flug
    + 1.840 USD
    Pro Person
    *Ultimate Upgrade mit Business-Flug
    + 5.925 USD
    Pro Person
  • Penthouse Suite B

    Veröffentlichter Preis
    47.998 USD
    Pro Person
    19.099 USD
    Pro Person
    *Ultimate Upgrade mit Economy-Flug
    + 1.840 USD
    Pro Person
    *Ultimate Upgrade mit Business-Flug
    + 5.925 USD
    Pro Person
  • Penthouse Suite A

    Veröffentlichter Preis
    48.998 USD
    Pro Person
    19.599 USD
    Pro Person
    *Ultimate Upgrade mit Economy-Flug
    + 1.840 USD
    Pro Person
    *Ultimate Upgrade mit Business-Flug
    + 5.925 USD
    Pro Person
  • Suite mit Blick auf den Horizont HS

    Veröffentlichter Preis
    50.198 USD
    Pro Person
    20.199 USD
    Pro Person
    *Ultimate Upgrade mit Economy-Flug
    + 1.840 USD
    Pro Person
    *Ultimate Upgrade mit Business-Flug
    + 5.925 USD
    Pro Person
  • Seven Seas Suite (achtern)

    Veröffentlichter Preis
    57.598 USD
    Pro Person
    23.899 USD
    Pro Person
    *Ultimate Upgrade mit Economy-Flug
    + 1.840 USD
    Pro Person
    *Ultimate Upgrade mit Business-Flug
    + 5.925 USD
    Pro Person
  • Seven Seas Suite (bugseitig)

    Veröffentlichter Preis
    57.598 USD
    Pro Person
    23.899 USD
    Pro Person
    *Ultimate Upgrade mit Economy-Flug
    + 1.840 USD
    Pro Person
    *Ultimate Upgrade mit Business-Flug
    + 5.925 USD
    Pro Person
  • Mariner Suite MN

    Veröffentlichter Preis
    62.198 USD
    Pro Person
    26.199 USD
    Pro Person
    *Ultimate Upgrade mit Economy-Flug
    + 1.840 USD
    Pro Person
    *Ultimate Upgrade mit Business-Flug
    + 5.925 USD
    Pro Person
  • Grand Suite GS

    Veröffentlichter Preis
    68.198 USD
    Pro Person
    29.199 USD
    Pro Person
    *Ultimate Upgrade mit Economy-Flug
    + 1.840 USD
    Pro Person
    *Ultimate Upgrade mit Business-Flug
    + 5.925 USD
    Pro Person
  • Signature Suite SG

    Veröffentlichter Preis
    76.398 USD
    Pro Person
    33.299 USD
    Pro Person
    *Ultimate Upgrade mit Economy-Flug
    + 1.840 USD
    Pro Person
    *Ultimate Upgrade mit Business-Flug
    + 5.925 USD
    Pro Person


Take advantage of our best deals and start planning your unforgettable journey to the world's most inspiring destinations.

  • Alternative TextAlternative TextAlternative Text


    This voyage features a limited-time Black Friday Bonus of $1.000 Shipboard Credit per suite, plus 20% Savings when you reserve a Concierge Suite or below by 30. November 2024.
  • Alternative TextAlternative TextAlternative Text

    Buchen und 25 % sparen

    Auf dieser Kreuzfahrt mit zeitlich begrenzten und nicht erstattungsfähigen Preisen erhalten Sie Preisvorteile von bis zu 25 %, wenn Sie eine Concierge Verandakabine oder eine niedrigere Kategorie reservieren.
  • Alternative TextAlternative TextAlternative Text


    Sichern Sie sich Sparangebote in Höhe von 25 %, wenn Sie diese Reiseroute mit einer Anschlusskreuzfahrt kombinieren.
  • Alternative TextAlternative TextAlternative Text

    Sonderpreise für Einzelkabinenzuschlag

    Für diese Seereise ist ein ermäßigter Aufschlag bei Einzelbelegung von nur 25 % für die Suitenkategorien Deluxe Veranda Suite (G und H) verfügbar.
  • Ein junges Mädchen schaut an Deck eines Kreuzfahrtschiffes durch ein FernglasEin junges Mädchen schaut an Deck eines Kreuzfahrtschiffes durch ein FernglasEin junges Mädchen schaut an Deck eines Kreuzfahrtschiffes durch ein Fernglas

    Besondere Sparpreise für Kinder

    Kinder im Alter von bis zu 17 Jahren reisen bei dieser Kreuzfahrt KOSTENFREI.
  • Mann und Frau in schicker Kleidung sitzen mit Weißwein an einem Tisch und lächeln sich anMann und Frau in schicker Kleidung sitzen mit Weißwein an einem Tisch und lächeln sich anMann und Frau in schicker Kleidung sitzen mit Weißwein an einem Tisch und lächeln sich an


    In den beworbenen 2-für-1-All-inclusive-Kreuzfahrtpreisen ist ein Vorteilsangebot von bis zu 9.800 USD pro Suite enthalten.
  • Frau und Mann, die an einem Treueprogramm für Kreuzfahrten teilnehmen, lächeln sich an und genießen alkoholische GetränkeFrau und Mann, die an einem Treueprogramm für Kreuzfahrten teilnehmen, lächeln sich an und genießen alkoholische GetränkeFrau und Mann, die an einem Treueprogramm für Kreuzfahrten teilnehmen, lächeln sich an und genießen alkoholische Getränke

    Seven Seas Society Spezialangebote

    Bei dieser Kreuzfahrt kommen ehemalige Passagiere in den Genuss von Einsparungen von bis zu 1.900 USD pro Suite! Die Höhe des Nachlasses ist abhängig von der Suitenkategorie.
  • Frau und Mann, die an einem Treueprogramm für Kreuzfahrten teilnehmen, lächeln sich an und genießen alkoholische GetränkeFrau und Mann, die an einem Treueprogramm für Kreuzfahrten teilnehmen, lächeln sich an und genießen alkoholische GetränkeFrau und Mann, die an einem Treueprogramm für Kreuzfahrten teilnehmen, lächeln sich an und genießen alkoholische Getränke

    Seven Seas Society Spezialangebote

    Bei dieser Kreuzfahrt kommen ehemalige Passagiere in den Genuss von Einsparungen von bis zu 1.900 USD pro Suite! Die Höhe des Nachlasses ist abhängig von der Suitenkategorie.
  • Freundesgruppe auf Reisen, die einen sonnigen Tag genießenFreundesgruppe auf Reisen, die einen sonnigen Tag genießenFreundesgruppe auf Reisen, die einen sonnigen Tag genießen

    Werden Sie zum Regent-Botschafter

    Als Mitglied der Seven Seas Society erhalten Sie Prämien, wenn Sie Ihr Regent-Erlebnis mit Freunden und Verwandten teilen, die noch nicht mit uns gereist sind.

Land Programs & Hotels

  • View the staggeringly beautiful natural wonders of Iceland – known as the Land of Fire and Ice for its volcanoes and glaciers – and come away with a deep respect for the country’s strict environmental policies.

    Special Note: Due to limited access at some sites, this program is not recommended for guests with extreme walking difficulty or for those who require the use of a wheelchair.

    DAY 1

    After arriving at the Keflavík airport, you will transfer to your city-based hotel.

    Check in time is at 3:00pm. Should your flight be scheduled to arrive sooner than this, you may wish to purchase an extra night so your room is ready upon your arrival. Otherwise, luggage storage will be available at the hotel until your room is available.

    Note: Described as “Modern Scandi Bliss”, your hotel is located in the heart of the city. Although the rooms are comfortable, they are basic. Your room type includes complimentary access to the hotel’s spa.

    The remainder of the day will be at your leisure with meals on your own.

    The team at the Regent Seven Seas Hospitality desk can offer recommendations for sightseeing and dining.

    DAY 2

    After breakfast at the hotel, meet your guide and depart for Þingvellir National Park, an attraction of great historical, geological and cultural significance. It is located in a rift valley where the Eurasian and North American tectonic plates meet. The site is also where Iceland’s Parliament was founded in 930 AD. Thingvellir became Iceland’s first national park in 1930 and is home to Iceland’s largest natural lake, Thingvallavatn. Visit Öxarárfoss Waterfall.

    Continuing on, you will head for the Geysir geothermal area in Haukadalur Valley, home to the Geysir hot spring. Although Geysir doesn’t erupt often, it is surrounded by bubbling cauldrons of superheated mud, steaming pools and Strokkur, a geyser that erupts every 6-10 minutes. The geothermal activity at this popular destination is much like that happening all across and beneath Iceland that naturally powers countless hot tubs, swimming pools and greenhouses.

    That same energy is used to bake bread underground at the aptly named Geothermal Bakery. After learning about the process, give it a try! You can slather on butter and top the bread with a piece of herring or trout. Note: The process of baking and extracting the bread from the ground is only done at certain times in the day. Seeing this process cannot be guaranteed.

    You will next visit Gullfoss Waterfalls, whose name comes from the golden color of its water as it churns up silt and sediment. These magnificent waterfalls in the Hvitá River are fed by Langjökull, Iceland’s second largest glacier. The cascades are more than 100 feet high and fall in two tiers making for a magnificent sight. If not for the tenacity of a local environmental activist, Gullfoss would have been covered by the waters of a proposed hydroelectric dam.

    After lunch at a local restaurant, visit Friðheimar farm which offers a horse show called Meeting with the Icelandic Horse. The show gives you an insight into the story of this remarkable horse breed which was brought to Iceland by the first settlers from Scandinavia around 900 AD. The Icelandic horse is small, sturdy breed, famed for its five gaits: in addition to the walk, trot and gallop, Icelandic horses have the tölt (a smooth run) and skeið (flying pace).

    Finally, you will see Kerið, a volcanic crater lake located in the Grímsnes area that is one of the most visually stunning geological wonders in the country. This vibrant blue gem, which is part of the Western Volcanic Zone that includes the Reykjanes peninsula and the Langjökull Glacier, is it one of the three most recognizable volcanic craters in Iceland because of its unique red rock.

    Once you return to your hotel, the remainder of the day will be at your leisure with dinner on your own.

    DAY 3

    After breakfast at the hotel, you will depart for a full day of touring South Iceland. While traveling through a mountain pass and into fertile farmland, you will enjoy astonishing views of the countryside, especially along this section of the Ring Road, which is flanked by rugged mountains, glittering glaciers and towering volcanoes.

    A comfort stop will be made at LAVA Center where you will see a short educational movie about volcanic activity that reveals the lava theme that is an integral part of Iceland especially now with the active eruption near Grindavik.

    Depending on the weather conditions, you may see Eyjafjallajökull, the site of a volcanic eruption in 2010 that was so enormous that its ash cloud halted Europe’s air traffic for several days.

    Behold the beauty of Seljalandsfoss waterfall as it tumbles off Eyjafjallajökull Glacier into a deep pool below. If you don’t mind getting wet, you can walk behind the cascade to see it from the other side.

    Just before lunch, an exterior visit is made at Vik Church, famous for its postcard views and after lunch you will stroll along the black volcanic sand beach at Reynisfjara. The basalt sea stacks rising out of the water there are absolutely spectacular.

    From a distance, view Sólheimajökull Glacier, a glacier tongue of Mýrdalsjökull – the 4th largest glacier in Iceland and then visit Skógafoss Waterfall, one of the largest waterfalls in the country. Due to the amount of spray the waterfall consistently produces, a single or double rainbow is frequently seen on sunny days.

    Upon returning to your hotel, the remainder of the day will be at your leisure with dinner on your own.

    DAY 4

    After breakfast at the hotel and check out, you will drive to Perlan, a nature museum with a revolving observation deck that offers a stunning 360° view of Reykjavik.

    Then, it’s off to the world’s only live lava show, a highly engaging experience that recreates a volcanic eruption by superheating real lava that slowly flows into a special area of the showroom. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity allows you to get so close to molten lava that you can hear it sizzling and feel its intense heat.

    After the show, you will drive to the port of Reykjavik for embarkation.

    Land Program Details Step by Step

    •The order of sites visited may vary to avoid congestion. Program details including timings indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change. Direct flights are never guaranteed.

    •Itineraries with the most up-to-date details will be issued when you are emailed your final cruise documents 21 days prior to sailing. You will receive a final itinerary from our ground operator with a Welcome Letter upon arrival or at your hotel. Please review that letter and your final itinerary carefully for any further amendments.

    •The hotels used for this land program will be the hotels listed in this document unless you have been advised otherwise in advance of the land program start date.

    •Guests failing to arrive on Day 1 of the scheduled land program will be considered no-shows and their hotel space released.

    Extra Nights

    •All extra nights booked through the cruise line are confirmed at the hotel that is used on the FIRST NIGHT of your land program

    •If you book extra nights through the cruise line, you will be met as per the flight details provided and transferred to your hotel. Check-in is 3:00pm. Meals other than breakfast, as well as activities, are on your own until Day 2 of the program.

    •If you have an early-arriving flight, you may wish to book an extra night as your room will not be ready for occupation until approximately 3:00pm.

    •If you book extra nights on your own, transfers are not included.

    Day 1

    Arrive at Keflavík airport

    Meet and greet in the Arrivals Hall after customs, immigration, and luggage claim

    Transfer to your hotel

    3:00pm Hotel check-in

    TBA Hospitality Desk at the hotel

    Evening at leisure, dinner on your own

    Overnight at the Midgardur Hotel or similar

    Meet and Greet and transfers

    •Final cruise documents will be emailed 21 days prior to sailing. The local ground agent’s telephone number will be on page 1, if you can’t locate the meet-and-greet representative upon arrival. Be aware that the representative may be assisting others and may not be in sight when you first exit Customs and the luggage claim area.

    •Look for someone holding a sign with the cruise line logo and possibly your name. If in doubt, ask the airport staff to direct you to the meeting area for transfers or to page our representative.

    •Meet and Greet and transfers are arranged for guests arriving on Day 1 of a land program or for extra nights booked through the cruise line and are arranged based on the flight details received by guests at least 14 days before sailing. Guests arriving independently before the program start date will not have a transfer included.

    •If we have not received your flight details or your flights have changed, and the Destination Services Land Team has not been notified, then a transfer cannot be provided, and guests will be responsible for getting to the land program hotel at their own expense. Please immediately contact our Reservations Department for any flight changes before departure.

    Day 2

    6:30-10am Breakfast at the hotel

    7:30am Meet your guide in the hotel lobby

    7:45am Drive to Thingvellir National Park

    8:30am Visit Thingvellir National Park and Öxarárfoss Waterfall

    9:45am Drive to the Geysir

    10:35am Arrival at the Geysir for guided site talk and view the Geyser in action

    11:30am Geothermal Bakery visit to learn about traditional Icelandic lava bread baking with tasting

    12:05pm Drive from the Geysir to Gullfoss Waterfall

    12:20pm Walk to the observation platform and view Gullfoss Waterfall

    1:20pm Drive to the Efstidalur Restaurant or similar venue for lunch

    1:45pm Lunch at the Efstidalur Restaurant or similar venue

    3:15pm Drive to Friðheimar Farm

    3:30pm Icelandic Horse show with an accompaniment of lively Icelandic music and stables visit

    4:00pm Souvenir shop and comfort stop

    4:30pm Depart for Kerið Crater

    4:55pm Visit Kerið Crater

    5:25pm Return to Reykjavik

    6:25pm Estimated arrival time to your hotel

    Evening at leisure, dinner on your own

    Overnight at the Midgardur Hotel or similar

    Day 3

    6:30-10:00am Breakfast at the hotel

    8:15am Meet your guide in the hotel lobby

    8:30am Drive to the LAVA Center

    10:00am Movie and comfort stop

    10:35am Drive to Seljalandsfoss waterfall

    10:55am View Seljalandsfoss Waterfall

    11:25am Leave Seljalandsfoss and drive to Vík village

    12:15pm Short stop at Vik Church (exterior view only)

    12:30pm Lunch at Berg Restaurant in Hotel Vik i Myrdal or similar venue

    2:15pm Transfer to the black volcanic sand beach of Reynisfjara

    2:30pm Visit the black sand beach

    3:20pm Depart for Sólheimajökull Glacier

    3:50pm Arrival at Sólheimajökull (explore glacier from afar)

    4:20pm Drive to Skógafoss Waterfall

    4:35pm Walk to Skógafoss Waterfall and free time for pictures

    5:20pm Return to Reykjavik

    7:40pm Estimated arrival time to your hotel

    Evening at leisure, dinner on your own

    Overnight at the Midgardur Hotel or similar

    DAY 4

    6:30-10:00am Breakfast at your hotel

    8:45am Meet your guide in the hotel lobby

    9:00am Check out and depart for a short Reykjavik city tour

    10:15am Drive to Perlan

    10:30am Entrance to the Perlan Observation Deck

    11:30am Drive to Lava Show

    11:45am Arrival at Lava Show. Souvenirs, restrooms available

    12:00pm Lava Show

    1:00pm Transfer to the cruise port

    1:30pm Arrival at the port for embarkation

    Dietary Requirements

    If guests have any food intolerance, allergies or vegetarian requirements, please advise RSSC no later than 90 days before sailing to be added to your land program booking extension. Any requests made after this time, may not be able to be accommodated at the restaurants.

    Expected Weather

    The weather in Reykjavik averages around 54 F (12 C) in summer. Iceland's summer starts in late May or early June and lasts through August. The midnight sun appears, meaning the days are incredibly long. The longest days last close to 21 hours until the sun sets.


    Due to limited access as various sites, this program is not recommended for guests with extreme walking difficulty or for those who require the use of a wheelchair. Should guests participate with a wheelchair, they must have someone to push the chair as guides are not able to take on this task.

    Sites with limitations:

    Geysir bread experience: The site is located on a small hill with no vehicle access. Guests must walk a few meters but there is no pathway and the gate is narrow so a wheelchair will not fit through.

    Kerid crater: Not accessible

    Seljalandsfoss: Accessible only until the observation bridge

    Black sand beach: Gravel parking area

    Solheimajokull: Not accessible and glacier cannot be seen from the parking area

    Skogafoss: Gravel walking path

    What to Bring

    Warm clothing, comfortable shoes, sunglasses, camera and a waterproof jacket with hood. We would highly recommend layered clothing, waterproof and windproof jackets. Umbrellas will not go as there might be strong winds.

    Local Currency

    Icelandic krona (ISK).

    Euro/Mastercard and Visa credit and debit cards are widely used. In larger towns and airports, it is easy to withdraw cash through ATMs (cash machines). Many places (restaurants, bars, tourist attractions) will take US dollars, Canadian dollars and Euros. It is important to mention, that any money given back after payment in US, Canadian Dollars or Euros, will be in ISK.


    Type C, F sockets, Voltage: 230V. We recommend bringing a universal travel adaptor for electric devices.

    Documents and Visa Requirements

    A passport that is valid at least 6 months after travel.

    Please check with your local embassy for any visa requirements for your nationality into Iceland.

    Iceland is in the Schengen visa zone. US citizens do not require a visa to enter Europe.

    The above information is subject to change and serves as a guide only. It is the ultimate and sole responsibility of the guest to ensure they meet the entry requirements for each destination.

    If traveling internationally, the countries you are flying to and/or connecting through may have different document requirements and as such we encourage you to visit the government and airport websites of every country you will be traveling to throughout the journey to familiarize yourself with their requirements.

    Hotel Address:

    Midgardur Hotel

    Laugavegur 120, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland

    Phone: +354 595 8560

    *We will only source different hotels in unforeseen situations. If similar hotels are required, they will be of equal ratings and standards, and you will be notified of the change. If you are not notified of any changes before your departure, then you will be staying at the hotel listed in this program.

    Program Includes for guests

    •3-nights at the Midgardur Hotel or similar– Standard Plus Room with spa access

    •Luggage handling at hotel at check-in and check-out

    •Meet and greet and transfers

    •English-speaking guide for the tours

    •Touring and entrances as per the itinerary

    •Geothermal Bakery with tasting

    •Hospitality Desk on Day 1 – in hotel lobby (time TBA)

    •2 lunches including water, a cup of coffee or tea, 1 glass of beer or wine

    •1 bottle of water in the coach per person per day

    Please Note: Guests booking their own flights independently of the cruise line are responsible for ensuring that the cruise line has the updated arrival information, so your transfer can be arranged. If you book additional nights independently of the cruise line, an arrival transfer is not provided. If we do not receive flight details a minimum of 14 days in advance, transfers will not be provided.

    Program Excludes for guests:

    •Visas if required

    •Hotel incidentals including mini bar, laundry, room service

    •Meals other than what is listed above

    •Porterage at the airport

    •Gratuities to drivers and guides

    Please note: Land programs that encompass multiple days ashore customarily include extensive and prolonged activity, while those of shorter durations typically have more moderate activity levels. However, each program varies, and participants should be prepared to negotiate a mixture of surfaces which may include inclines, cobblestones, sand, gravel and natural paths. There may also be a need to climb steps or stairs on occasion. Guests who utilize a wheelchair and those with mobility concerns are advised to check with the cruise line in advance to see if any portion of the tour program may not be considered suitable for their individual situation.

    Please note: All land programs are capacity controlled and subject to availability. Programs falling under the minimum number of required participants are subject to cancellation. Pricing listed is also subject to change to meet unexpected cost increases for transportation, land arrangements or currency fluctuations. Once purchased, pricing is guaranteed and not subject to change.

    Land programs must be purchased no later than 90 days prior to your sail date. Cancellations made within 90 days or less prior to the sail date are subject to 100% cancellation penalty. There are no refunds for unused portions of any program. Guests failing to arrive on Day 1 of a scheduled land program will be considered no-shows and their hotel space released.

    Price: $3,399 per guest based on double occupancy.

    Hotel and Land Program pricing is not combinable with FREE 1-Night Pre-Cruise Luxury Hotel Package. If applicable, please contact Regent Seven Seas Cruises or your travel agent for multi-night pre-cruise hotel pricing information. Land program promotions are subject to terms.

  • Thoroughly explore two of the most iconic attractions in Paris – the impossibly lavish Palace of Versailles and the Louvre Museum – and come away with a deeper appreciation for art, architecture and French culture.

    DAY 1

    Disembark the ship in Le Havre, meet your guide and transfer to the Paris city center and your hotel for the next three nights. Drive time is approximately three hours.

    Check-in at the hotel is from 4:00pm. Should you arrive earlier you may store luggage at Reception until your room is available.

    All meals are on own today.

    DAY 2

    Enjoy a buffet breakfast at your hotel before meeting your guide. Today will be devoted to discovering the wonders of the Palace of Versailles, the primary residence of the French kings from the time of Louis XIV to Louis XVI. UNESCO deemed the palace worthy of a World Heritage site designation as Versailles was considered the ideal royal residence for more than a century and influenced the construction of many other palaces throughout Europe.

    As you follow the guide through Versailles (headsets to be provided), you will gain an understanding of how several generations of architects and craftsmen embellished the palace – which was originally a hunting lodge – until the French Revolution forever altered the palace’s function.

    Among the highlights is the king’s state apartment, a series of seven rooms lavishly decorated with marble paneling, painted ceilings and other ornamentations. The apartment was used for evening gatherings and court entertainment several times a week during the reign of Louis XIV.

    Then, there is the Queen’s Apartment, whose layout is identical to the king’s state apartment, although several queens, including Marie-Antoinette, modified it.

    You will also behold the Hercules Room – which features a masterpiece ceiling painting depicting the Apotheosis of Hercules – and the Hall of Mirrors, perhaps the most famous room in the palace. More than 350 mirrors bedeck the arches, a demonstration that the French could manufacture mirrors as well as the Venetians, who had a monopoly on the craft.

    Following a delightful three-course lunch at a nearby restaurant, you will enjoy an enlightening tour of the king’s vegetable garden, which took five years to complete in the late 17th century and remains nearly unaltered today.

    After returning to the hotel, the rest of the day will be at your leisure with dinner on your own.

    Important Note: The Palace of Versailles is closed on Mondays. Should this affect your program date, the itinerary will be reversed.

    DAY 3

    Meet your guide after a buffet breakfast at your hotel. The focus of today will be the Louvre, a former palace that is perhaps the greatest repository of art in the world. It is also the world’s most visited art museum with a collection that spans works from ancient civilizations to the mid-19th century.

    As you meander about the galleries, you can expect to see da Vinci’s enigmatic Mona Lisa, the famed statue of Aphrodite – better known as Venus de Milo – and the Winged Victory statue that was found in a sanctuary where people prayed for protection from the dangers of the sea.

    The collection is so all-encompassing that no matter what your artistic interests, you can find works that beautifully represent it. Pieces from the Italian Renaissance, by Dutch and Flemish masters and even Mesopotamian art are all on display, as well as Greek, Etruscan and Roman antiquities.

    After free time to browse in the museum shop, you will depart for the hotel. Along the way, you will pause for photos of the Eiffel Tower, the most iconic landmark in Paris.

    After returning to the hotel, the remainder of the day will be at your leisure with lunch and dinner on your own.

    Important Note: The Louvre Museum is closed on Tuesdays. Should this affect your program date, the itinerary will be reversed.

    DAY 4

    Should flight time allow, enjoy one last buffet breakfast at the hotel.

    Check-out at the hotel is at 11:00am. Please do not forget to settle any incidentals before departure. Local city taxes will be added to each guest folio to be paid locally.

    At the designated time and based on flight details provided, (check your Welcome Letter upon arrival), you will be transferred to the Charles De Gaulle airport. Should you have a late flight, luggage storage will be available at the hotel until your transfer time. Transfer time is approximately one hour to the airport depending in traffic.

    Land Program Details Step by Step:

    •Please note: The order of sites visited may vary to avoid congestion. All program timings are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change.

    •Itineraries with the most up to date details (at the time) will be issued when you are emailed your final cruise documents 21 days prior to sailing. Final itineraries with the most up to date details will be provided by the Destination Services Team once you board the ship. Please review your final itinerary carefully for any amendments.

    •The hotels used for your land program will be the hotels listed in this document unless you have been advised otherwise in advance of the land program start date.

    •A departure transfer is not included if guests leave before the last day of the program.

    DAY 1

    TBA Disembark the ship in Le Havre, meet your guide and transfer to the Paris city center

    Drive time approximately three hours depending on traffic

    4:00pm Check in time at the hotel, luggage storage available if you arrive sooner

    Meals on own today

    Overnight at the Hotel Du Collectionneur Paris or similar hotel

    DAY 2

    AM Buffet breakfast at your hotel

    9:00am Meet your guide in the lobby and drive to Versailles Palace

    10:00am Guided visit with headsets at Versailles Palace

    12:00pm Walk to a restaurant for lunch

    12:30pm Lunch at La Flottille or similar venue

    2:00pm Orientation tour and free time in Versailles Gardens

    3:30pm Return drive to your hotel

    4:30pm Remainder of the day at your leisure, dinner on own

    Overnight at the Hotel Du Collectionneur Paris or similar hotel

    DAY 3

    AM Buffet breakfast at your hotel

    8:30am Meet your guide in the lobby and drive to the Louvre Museum

    9:00am Guided visit of the Louvre and free time’

    12:00pm Panoramic drive around Paris with a photo stop at the Eiffel Tower

    1:30pm Arrive back at your hotel, remainder of the day at leisure, dinner on own

    Overnight at the Hotel Du Collectionneur Paris or similar hotel

    DAY 4

    AM Buffet breakfast at your hotel should flight time allow

    12:00pm Check out time at the hotel

    TBA Transfer to the Charles De Gaulle Airport based on flight details

    Drive time is approximately 1 hour

    Extra Nights:

    •All extra nights booked through the cruise line are confirmed at the same hotel used on the LAST NIGHT of your program.

    •When you book extra nights through the cruise line, you will be transferred to the airport per the flight details provided. Check-out time is 12:00pm (subject to change). Meals other than breakfast are on your own after Day 4 of your program.


    •All guests booking their flights independently are required to ensure the cruise line has their most up to date flight details so that transfers to the airport can be arranged. If flight details are not received 14 days before your cruise start date, transfers will not be arranged.

    •Should you book any extra nights on your own or your flight is not on the last day of the program, transfers are not included.

    •Should you have a late departing flight you may wish to book an extra night so that you have occupation of your room until your departure. You will be asked to vacate your room by 12:00pm. Day rooms can only be purchased directly through the hotel.

    Expected Weather:

    Average August high temperature: 79°F (26°C)

    Average August low temperature: 58°F (14°C)

    Average September high temperature: 71°F (22°C)

    Average September low temperature: 52°F (11°C)

    What to Bring:

    Dress is generally casual, although when visiting churches your knees and shoulders must be covered. Bring good walking shoes, a hat, weather-appropriate clothing, sunglasses and sunscreen. Bring clothing that can be layered depending on the temperature of the day.

    Local Currency:

    The Euro is the local currency, but U.S. dollars and traveler’s checks may also be accepted in some tourist spots.


    220 volts. We suggest bringing your own travel adaptor if you bring electric devices.

    Hotel Address:

    Hotel Du Collectionneur Paris

    51-57 Rue de Courcelles, 75008 Paris, France

    Phone: +33 1 58 36 67 00

    *We will only source different hotels in unforeseen situations. If similar hotels are required, they will be of equal ratings and standards, and you will be notified of the change. If you are not notified of any changes before your departure, then you will be staying at the hotels listed in this program.

    Program Includes for guests:

    •3 nights at the Hotel Du Collectionneur Paris or similar hotel, including buffet breakfasts, deluxe room

    •Touring and entrances as per above itinerary


    •Three-course lunch on Day 2 including 1 cold drink + coffee

    Please Note: Guests booking their own flights (independent of the cruise line) are responsible for ensuring that the cruise line has the updated departure information, so your transfer can be arranged. If you book additional nights independently of the cruise line, a departure transfer is not provided. If we do not receive flight details a minimum of 14 days in advance, transfers will not be provided.

    Program Excludes for guests:

    •Any meals or beverages not mentioned above

    •Gratuities to drivers and guides

    •Hotel incidentals including mini bar and room service

    •City taxes – to be paid by guests locally at the hotel before departure

    Please note: Land programs that encompass multiple days ashore customarily include extensive and prolonged activity, while those of shorter durations typically have more moderate activity levels. However, each program varies, and participants should be prepared to negotiate a mixture of surfaces which may include inclines, cobblestones, sand, and gravel or natural paths. There may also be a need to climb steps or stairs on occasion. Guests who utilize a wheelchair and those with mobility concerns are advised to check with the cruise line in advance to see if any portion of the tour program may not be considered suitable for their individual situation. Weather appropriate clothing; hats; sunglasses; and flat, comfortable walking shoes are generally recommended.

    Please note: All land programs are capacity controlled and subject to availability. Programs falling under the minimum number of required participants are subject to cancellation. Pricing listed is also subject to change to meet unexpected cost increases for transportation, land arrangements or currency fluctuations. Once purchased, pricing is guaranteed and not subject to change. Land Programs must be purchased no later than 90 days prior to your sail date. Cancellations made within 90 days or less prior to the sail date are subject to 100% cancellation penalty. There are no refunds for unused portions of any program.

    Price: $2,899 per guest based on double occupancy.

    Land program promotions are per person for guests 1 and 2 for one pre- or post-cruise program only, subject to terms.

  • Fly to Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, to visit its historical landmarks including an inside visit to Edinburgh Castle and the Kings Royal residence- Holyrood Palace. The highlight of the trip will no doubt be attending the world-renowned Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo before flying back to Ireland where you will re-join the ship. The inter-Europe flights between Ireland and Scotland is included.

    NOTE: Due to the amount of walking at times over hilly and/or cobbled ground, this program is not recommended for guests with limited mobility.

    DAY 1 – August 4, 2025

    Disembark the ship in Belfast, Ireland, meet our local ground team and transfer to the Belfast Airport for a flight to Edinburgh. Note: The flight is not escorted.

    On arriving in Edinburgh and proceeding through Customs and Immigration, you will meet your guide who will take you to the city center where you will visit the imposing Edinburgh Castle. Perched on its rocky site 445 feet above the city, the castle has been home to Scottish Kings and Queens for centuries. See the 15th-century Old Royal Palace which houses the Scottish Crown Jewels and the apartment in which Mary, Queen of Scots gave birth to the future King James VI of Scotland who also became James I of England. This castle has witnessed many tense moments in its thousand-year history.

    Then you will transfer to your hotel for check-in and an evening at leisure. The Caledonian Edinburgh Hotel(formerly the Waldorf Astoria) is a true icon on Princess Street. Opened in 1903, this hotel combines modern luxury and Victorian style in a former rail station. From this vantage point, savor views of Edinburgh Castle, while the Royal Mile and Edinburgh Old Town, A UNESCO World Heritage Site, are within a mile.

    Note: Edinburgh is quite hilly with many cobblestone streets, so wear comfortable walking shoes

    DAY 2 – August 5, 2025

    After breakfast at the hotel, meet your guide in the hotel lobby. Begin with a transfer to Dean Village, a tranquil green oasis on the Water of Leith, and only a five-minute’s walk from Princes Street. The village once housed various mills and remnants of the industries can still be seen today. Be sure to notice the mill stones and carved stone plaques on display outdoors.

    Following the walkway along the Water of Leith on foot, you will come to the impressive Dean Bridge designed by Thomas Telford and the classical temple of St Bernard’s Well. You will also pass Well Court, built in the 1880s as model housing for local workers. It adds to the picturesque charm of the area.

    Next you will transfer to Hollyrood House, a royal residence and the official home of the queen when she is in Scotland. There, you will gain an understanding of the palace's close associations with some of Scotland’s most well-known historical figures such as Mary, Queen of Scots, and Bonnie Prince Charlie. You will also learn how the queen uses the palace when carrying out official engagements.

    You will then be given time on the Royal Mile for lunch at your leisure.

    Return to your hotel for some time to freshen before the main event – the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo.

    With over 9000 people attending this event every night in August, our group’s VIP Access will allow you to you skip the crowds and enjoy some of the best seats the house.

    Prepare yourself for a once in a lifetime show, the most popular event on the Scottish calendar and one of the greatest displays of song and dance in the world. Your evening begins with a private three-course dinner of traditional Scottish cuisine. From your reserved seats, witness this memorable night unfolding in comfort and in front of the floodlit Castle Esplanade.

    You’ll watch as an ensemble cast of international performers regales you with a vibrant pageant of folkloric dance, historic re-enactments, and military precision displays. Feel your heart synchronize to the commanding rhythm of the Massed Pipes and Drums, played by the Bands of Her Majesty’s Royal Marines, along with visiting civilians and military bands –a tribute to the traditional battle signals of Scotland’s Regiments.

    After the show, a short transfer will bring you back to your hotel for the evening.

    Note: Edinburgh is quite hilly with many cobblestone streets, so wear comfortable walking shoes

    DAY 3 - August 6, 2025

    Following breakfast at the hotel and check-out, you will be met and transferred to the Edinburgh Airport for a flight to Dublin, Ireland.

    Upon arrival in Dublin and after proceeding through Customs and Immigration, you will be met for a transfer to the port of Dun Laoghaire but not without some sightseeing en-route.

    Your first stop will be at the iconic Malahide Castle which is located in the picturesque seaside village of Malahide. King Henry II gifted Richard Talbot the lands and harbor of Malahide for his services to the crown in 1185. The castle sits on 268-acre grounds and includes a 20-acre garden with more than 5,000 species of plants.

    The structure boasts circular towers, a Gothic entrance porch, exquisite Irish period furniture and historical portraits from the collection of the late Lord Talbot. In the interactive exhibition area, the history of the Talbot Family is retold, and you will have time to enjoy this before partaking on a guided tour throughout the reception rooms of this magnificent landmark.

    Following your visit to Malahide Castle you will pass through the village of Malahide, a noted yachting center as well as Portmarnock where the world-famous Portmarnock Golf Club is located. This club was for many years home of the Irish Open Championship.

    Soon you will arrive in the quaint fishing port of Howth and stop at the 11th-century Abbey Tavern for lunch. Nestling against the ancient ruins of Howth Abbey with the lovely fishing harbor and marina below, Abbey Tavern is an ideal spot in which to enjoy a short rest and savor the genuine atmosphere of old Ireland. As you enter, you will be struck by its old-world charm, authenticity and simplicity. Blazing turf fires, original stonewalls, flagstone floors and gaslights make for a truly warm welcome.

    Departing Howth, you will travel to Dublin’s city center for a panoramic overview of the city and some free time to explore on your own before continuing to Dun Laoghaire where you will re-join the ship.

    Land Program Step by Step:

    Please note: The order of sites visited may vary to avoid congestion. This program is subject to flight confirmations which are beyond our control. All program details including timings and any flights indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change. Direct flights are never guaranteed. Final itineraries with the most up to date details will be provided by the Destination Services Team once you board the ship. Please review your final itinerary carefully for any amendments.

    DAY 1

    10:00am Disembark in Belfast and meet your escort to the airport

    Eat a hearty breakfast before you depart

    10:30am Transfer to the Belfast Airport, lunch on own at the airport

    12:15pm Flight from Belfast to Edinburgh (flight details TBA and subject to change)

    TBA Upon arrival in Edinburgh, proceed through Customs and Immigration

    TBA Meet your guide transfer to Edinburgh Castle

    TBA Visit Edinburgh Castle

    TBA Check-in at your hotel, evening at leisure

    Dinner at leisure

    Overnight at the Caledonian Edinburgh Hotel or similar

    DAY 2

    AM Full English breakfast at the hotel

    8:30am Meet your guide in the hotel lobby

    8:45am Drive to Dean Village in Edinburgh

    9:00am Walking tour of Dean Village

    10:15am Drive to Holyrood house

    11:30am Visit of Holyrood house

    1:30pm Free time for lunch and/ or shopping.

    4:00pm Return to the hotel

    5:30pm Transfer to the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo for dinner and show

    11:00pm Return drive to your hotel

    Overnight at the Caledonian Edinburgh Hotel or similar

    DAY 3

    AM Full English breakfast at your hotel

    TBA Check out and transfer to the Edinburgh airport

    TBA Check in for a flight to Dublin

    8:30am Flight from Edinburgh to Dublin (flight details TBA and subject to change)

    9:30am Arrive, proceed through Customs and Immigration and meet your guide

    10:30am Depart airport and travel to Malahide Castle

    11:00am Visit to Malahide Castle with guided tour and free time to explore

    1:00pm Depart to Howth

    1:30pm Lunch at The Abbey Tavern

    2:30pm Depart and travel to Dublin City

    3:15pm Brief panoramic overview of City

    4:00pm Free time to explore at leisure

    5:15pm Depart for the port of Dun Laoghaire

    6:00pm Approximate time of arrival and re-board the ship

    Expected Weather:

    Weather in the United Kingdom is very unpredictable, and you could experience rain at any time.

    Daily high temperature - 63°F (17°C)

    Daily low temperature - 50°F (10°C)

    What to Bring:

    Prepare for moderately mild weather at all times and be able to supplement basic dress with a warm sweater and/or a rainproof top. Pack sensible footwear, as most rural attractions and even some urban areas are best described as “rugged terrain,” and the ground is wet occasionally. Also bring a hat and sunglasses.


    One carry-on is permitted that fits in the overhead bin or under the seat in front of you and one small personal item such as purse or laptop are permitted as is one checked piece of luggage.

    For this short program we suggest that guests fly only with a carry-on.

    Full luggage details TBA

    Local Currency:

    Pound Sterling. Credit cards are widely accepted.


    230v / 50hz (plugs are 3 square pins). Adaptors at the hotel cannot be guaranteed so we recommend bringing your own universal travel adaptor for electric devices.

    Documents and Visa Requirements:

    This program travels between Ireland and Scotland.

    A valid passport is required for this program and must be carried with guests for the flights.

    Please check with your local Irish and Scottish embassies for up-to-date visa information for your nationality.

    Hotel address:

    The Caledonian Edinburgh Hotel

    Princes St, Edinburgh EH1 2AB

    Tel: +44 131 222 8888

    *We will only substitute hotels in unforeseen situations. If similar hotels are substituted, they will be of equal ratings and standards. If guests are not notified of any changes in advance, then the group will be staying at the hotel listed in the program details.

    Program Includes:

    •2-nights at The Caledonian Edinburgh Hotel(Queen Premier Room) with breakfast

    •Services of an English-speaking tour guide during sightseeing tours

    •Meet and Greet at the airports and all transfers

    •VIP access, seats and dinner at the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo

    •Tours and entrances per the itinerary

    •Economy class flights per the itinerary

    •2 course lunch at Abbey Tavern including tea/coffee and 1 drink of choice (glass of wine, beer, or soft drink)

    •Tickets and dinner at the Edinburgh Royal Military Tattoo

    Program Excludes:

    •Any meals or beverages not listed above

    •Hotel incidentals, including mini bar and room service

    •Personal expenses

    •Excess or overweight luggage on the flights

    Please note: Land programs that encompass multiple days ashore customarily include extensive and prolonged activity, while those of shorter durations typically have more moderate activity levels. However, each program varies, and participants should be prepared to negotiate a mixture of surfaces which may include inclines, cobblestones, sand, and gravel or natural paths. There may also be a need to climb steps or stairs on occasion. Guests who utilize a wheelchair and those with mobility concerns are advised to check with the cruise line in advance to see if any portion of the tour program may not be considered suitable for their individual situation. Weather appropriate clothing; hats; sunglasses; and flat, comfortable walking shoes are generally recommended.

    All land programs are capacity controlled and subject to availability. Programs falling under the minimum number of required participants are subject to cancellation. Pricing listed is also subject to change to meet unexpected cost increases for transportation, land arrangements or currency fluctuations.

    Once purchased, pricing is guaranteed and not subject to change. Mid cruise overland programs must be purchased no later than 90 days prior to your sail date. Cancellations made within 90 days or less prior to the sail date are subject to 100% cancellation penalty.

    Price: $3,999 per guest based on double occupancy.

    Land program promotions are per person for guests 1 and 2 for one pre- or post-cruise program only, subject to terms.

Das Leben an Bord

  • CuisineCuisineCuisine


    Besonders stolz ist Regent Seven Seas Cruises® auf seine kulinarischen Erlebnisse, die ihresgleichen suchen. Vom köstlichen Hummer bis hin zum perfekt zubereiteten Burger mit Shake – bei uns finden Sie eine große Auswahl an feinen Gerichten und Erfrischungen.
  • ShowsShowsShows


    Ein aufregendes Duell der Genres, eine Geschichte voller Romantik oder ein spannender Thriller – freuen Sie sich auf die vielen verschiedenen, beeindruckend konzipierten Musical-Produktionen an Bord.
  • Erkunden, Erleben, WeiterbildenErkunden, Erleben, WeiterbildenErkunden, Erleben, Weiterbilden

    Erkunden, Erleben, Weiterbilden

    Anregende Vorträge, besondere Ausflüge und speziell konzipierte Kurse sind nur ein Bruchteil unseres bereichernden Programms, das wir kontinuierlich weiterentwickeln und erneuern, damit Sie auf jeder Reise in den Genuss neuer, spannender Erlebnisse kommen.
  • Tagesprogramme zur WeiterbildungTagesprogramme zur WeiterbildungTagesprogramme zur Weiterbildung

    Tagesprogramme zur Weiterbildung

    Sie werden schon bald merken, dass Ihre Zeit an Bord des Schiffs ebenso bereichernd ist wie Ihre Zeit an Land. Entspannen Sie sich am Pool, spielen Sie eine Runde Trivia oder Boccia oder genießen Sie beim Afternoon Tea verschiedene Leckereien.

  • AbendunterhaltungAbendunterhaltungAbendunterhaltung


    Bei unseren Abenden an Bord stehen Musik und Unterhaltung im Vordergrund. Freuen Sie sich auf faszinierende Kabarette, versuchen Sie Ihr Glück im Casino, stehlen Sie beim Karaoke allen die Show oder begeben Sie sich an Deck, um die Sterne zu bewundern.
  • Spa und FitnessSpa und FitnessSpa und Fitness

    Spa und Fitness

    Eine Luxusreise ist ein ganzheitliches Erlebnis. Es regeneriert Körper und Geist und schärft Ihre Sinne für größere Zufriedenheit und ein verbessertes Wohlbefinden. Serene Spa & Wellness™ entführt Sie in eine inspirierende, ruhige Oase der Gesundheit, Schönheit und Wellness, in der Sie regenerative Behandlungen und Anwendungen für Körper und Seele genießen können.
  • Boutiquen und mehrBoutiquen und mehrBoutiquen und mehr

    Boutiquen und mehr

    Stöbern Sie in unseren Boutiquen an Bord in einer kuratierten Auswahl von zollfreien Artikeln wie Designermode, Schmuck, Parfüm und mehr. Tanken Sie dann bei einem Espresso aus dem Bord-Café neue Energie oder entspannen Sie sich bei einer Weinverkostung in einer der Lounges.

Alle Gäste müssen gültige Reisedokumente vorweisen und über ausreichend leere Seiten im Reisepass verfügen, um gegebenenfalls bei der Ankunft den Stempel- und Visaprozess zu erleichtern.

  • Die Preise und die Verfügbarkeit der Kategorien können ohne Vorankündigung geändert werden. Bitte kontaktieren Sie Regent Seven Seas Cruises und lassen Sie sich die Verfügbarkeit der Kategorie bestätigen. Regent Seven Seas Cruises kann die Reiserouten und/oder Anlaufhäfen nach eigenem Ermessen jederzeit aufgrund bestehender Witterungsverhältnisse oder aus sonstigen Gründen ändern.

    * Für die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen der Preisermittlung bitte hier klicken. Veröffentlichte Preise enthalten Aufschläge, Gebühren der Fluggesellschaften sowie Steuern und Abgaben. In den 2-für-1-All-inclusive-Preisen sind, wo zutreffend, Flug, Hotel, Transfers und ein Guthaben für einen privaten Chauffeur inbegriffen. In den 2-für-1-All-inclusive-Kreuzfahrtpreisen sind, wo zutreffend, Hotels und Transfers inbegriffen. Flugpreisangebote und die Verfügbarkeit können sich bis zum Kauf und der Ausstellung der Tickets ändern. Preise gelten pro Person, bei Doppelbelegung, und beinhalten alle Ermäßigungen. Je nach Fluggesellschaft ist mit weiteren Kosten zu rechnen, insbesondere für Gepäck, bevorzugtes Boarding und besondere Sitzplätze, für die der Gast selbst aufzukommen hat.

    Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen / Beförderungsvertrag

    Alle Reiserouten können sich ändern und die auf der Karte eingezeichnete Route entspricht möglicherweise nicht der tatsächlichen Navigation des Schiffs. Preise verstehen sich pro Person bei Doppelbelegung in US-Dollar (falls nicht anders angegeben). Vollständige Informationen zu den Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen, Reiseroute, Haftpflicht der Regent Seven Seas Cruises, Inc. (RSSC), Gesundheitsattesten und Reiseunterlagen, Haftungsbeschränkungen usw. erhalten Sie bei Ihrem Reisebüro oder bei Regent Seven Seas Cruises unter der Rufnummer +1 844 4REGENT (+1 844 473 4368). To read our full Terms & Conditions, including our Ticket Contract and Insurance Information, visit www.rssc.com/legal.



Unser außergewöhnlicher Service beginnt, lange bevor Sie an Bord gehen! Ihr persönlicher Reiseberater hilft Ihnen oder Ihrem Reisebüro gerne bei der Planung Ihres nächsten luxuriösen Kreuzfahrterlebnisses.