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Valletta, Malta

Die Insel Gozo

  • 8 Hours
  • Anstrengende körperliche Aktivität
  • #


  • Enjoy a delightful ferry ride to scenic Gozo Island.
  • Wander among the Ggantija Temples, a UNESCO World Heritage site that predates Stonehenge.
  • Investigate Victoria’s ancient fortress and the Baroque Cathedral of the Assumption.
  • Savor a traditional lunch of Maltese favorites.
  • Relish free time in Xlendi, once a sleepy fishing village.


Delight in an exploration of Gozo Island, visiting a legendary cave, a temple that predates the Great Pyramids and the island’s alluring capital. Board a ferry on the northwestern tip of Malta for the brief crossing to the nearby island of Gozo. You’ll journey inland to the Ggantija Temples, a UNESCO World Heritage site that comprises Malta’s earliest megalithic monuments, which include structures that predate Stonehenge and the Great Pyramids of Egypt. Notice the round, curved architecture, which is said to be an homage to the full-figured goddess of fertility, and find cannon-like stones believed to be the tools used to hoist the site’s multi-ton slabs into place.

Upon reaching Victoria, Gozo’s capital, view its ancient Cittadella and Baroque Cathedral of the Assumption, built in the shape of a Latin cross. Enjoy time on your own to shop or explore further before savoring a traditional Maltese lunch. Perhaps you’ll stroll Xlendi’s inviting seaside promenade during free time as a fitting end to your Gozo Island adventure.

Helpful Hints

  • Wear casual, weather-appropriate clothing and comfortable walking shoes.
  • Dress appropriately for a religious venue; shoulders and knees must be covered.
  • Bring a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen.
  • Die Reihenfolge der besuchten Sehenswürdigkeiten kann abweichen. This tour includes approximately two hours of walking, plus any additional walking at the guest’s discretion during free time. There will be uneven ground to negotiate. The tour is not available to guests who utilize a wheelchair. Guests with mobility concerns are cautioned to evaluate their personal level of ability and stamina. There are times when the cathedral is closed due to spiritual functions without notice. If this occurs, the cathedral visit will be exterior only.