Virtuoso Names Regent Seven Seas Cruises "Best Luxury Cruise Experience"

Fort Lauderdale - 22. August 2011 - Regent Seven Seas Cruises has been recognized as the "Best Luxury Cruise Experience" by Virtuoso®, the leading luxury travel network. The award-winning luxury line was chosen above other nominees as the very best in its category demonstrating dedication, innovation, hospitality and overall performance.

The prestigious Virtuoso Performance Awards for 2011 were revealed 18. August at a gala dinner during Virtuoso's 23rd annual Travel Mart conference, which took place at the Bellagio in Las Vegas.

Regent Seven Seas Cruises was also recently rated the "World's Best Cruise Line" by readers of Condé Nast Traveler magazine. The ultra-luxury brand is the world’s most inclusive cruise line and offers seven- to 119-night voyages to Alaska, Europe, India, the Far East, Australia, New Zealand, South America and the Caribbean.

"We are proud to be recognized by Virtuoso as the best in a highly competitive set," stated Mark Conroy, president, Regent Seven Seas Cruises. "We take great pride in exceeding our guests' expectations every day. Our shipboard and shore-side staff has but one goal and that is to be the world's finest cruise line."

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Über Regent Seven Seas Cruises – Regent Seven Seas Cruises ist die Luxus-Kreuzfahrtgesellschaft, bei der es weltweit die meisten Inklusivangebote gibt. In den Preisen sind enthalten: sämtliche Annehmlichkeiten der Suiten, Rundflüge, persönlicher Service, renommierte Küche, edle Weine und Spirituosen, Besichtigungsausflüge in jedem Hafen, ein Luxus-Hotelarrangement vor der Kreuzfahrt und Trinkgelder. Drei preisgekrönte Schiffe, auf denen als Unterkünfte nur Suiten angeboten werden – die Seven Seas Navigator, die Seven Seas Mariner und die Seven Seas Voyager – , gehören zu den geräumigsten Schiffen auf See und laufen weltweit mehr als 300 Ziele an.

Über Prestige Cruise Holdings – Prestige Cruise Holdings ist die Muttergesellschaft von Oceania Cruises und Regent Seven Seas Cruises. Die Gründung erfolgte 2007, um ausgewählte Güter des Kreuzfahrt-Investmentportfolios von Apollo Management zu verwalten. Geleitet wird PCH von Chairman und CEO Frank J. Del Rio, dem Gründer von Oceania Cruises. PCH ist Marktführer im oberen Premium- und Luxus-Segment der Kreuzfahrtbranche mit insgesamt rund 5.200 Ankerplätzen für die Marken Oceania Cruises und Regent Seven Seas Cruises – eine Zahl, von der das Unternehmen bis 2012 ein Wachstum auf mehr als 6.400 Ankerplätze erwartet.

About Virtuoso – Virtuoso® is the industry's leading luxury travel network. This by-invitation-only organization comprises over 300 agencies with more than 6.000 elite travel specialists in 22 countries in North and South America, the Caribbean, Australia and New Zealand, as well as over 1.200 of the world's best travel providers and premier destinations. The network's member agencies generate over $5,1 billion annually in travel sales, making the group the most powerful in the luxury travel segment. Their relationships with the finest travel companies provide the network's affluent clientele with exclusive amenities, rare experiences and privileged access. Virtuoso is the exclusive network of travel services and benefits provided by MasterCard® for participating World Elite MasterCard® programs. To view Virtuoso's latest video content, visit

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