Überqueren Sie den Nil bis zum berühmten Tal der Könige mit dem zauberhaften Grab des Tutanchamun und dem gewaltigen Totentempel der Hatschepsut. Fahren Sie mit dem Jeep in die Wüste zu einer Beduinen-Siedlung und genießen Sie die überwältigende Schönheit des Sonnenuntergangs über den Sanddünen. Kaufen Sie liebevoll handgemalte Zeichnungen von Grabstätten auf Papyrus, Kistchen mit Perlmuttintarsien, Alabaster, Schmuck und Repliken altertümlicher Artefakte. Genießen Sie brutzelnde Lammgerichte, Falafel und eine Vielzahl anderer Spezialitäten des Nahen Ostens und Ägyptens.

Hafen: Luxor (Safaga)

Luxor (Safaga)

All programs below may not be available on every sailing.

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    Indulge your senses with some of ancient history’s most renowned relics during this scenic and memorable tour of Egypt. The adventure begins with a journey to the world’s greatest open-air museum, Luxor City where you will be exploring the beauty and mystery of Egypt’s ancient temples and tombs. On the following day, fly to Cairo where your adventure continues with visits to the famous Egyptian Museum of Antiquities, the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx.

    Hinweis: Any guests travelling with Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines should read further below for airline stipulations with regards to bringing this equipment on tour.

    HINWEIS: This program involves extensive walking over uneven ground and is thus not suitable for guests with walking difficulties or for those who require a wheelchair.

    TAG 1

    Upon disembarking the ship in Safaga, you will be met by your guide and depart for the 3.5-hour drive to Luxor. Restrooms are available on the coach therefore no stops are planned along the way. Coaches are escorted along the way.

    Upon arrival in Luxor the group will enjoy lunch before crossing the fabulous Nile River by motorboat and proceed to the West Bank area for a visit to the Valley of the Kings. It is here you will find the remarkable tombs of Egypt's ancient kings, their families and other Egyptian nobility. Hinweis: there is a step or two down into the boat, the boat is fully covered but open on the sides.

    Ample time is allotted here for you to fully explore this wonderful site. The ticket you receive will include entry to three tombs of your choice. The ground is uneven and there are many steps to enter each of the various tombs.

    Next, it's on to Hatshepsut Temple where there will be a short photo stop. This awesome mortuary temple that was buried under sand for centuries was built by Hatshepsut, the only woman to rule as a Pharaoh. Built into the mountainside, it stands as an incredible monument to the powers held by the pharaohs.

    A second photo stop follows at the Colossi of Memnon, two massive statues that originally flanked the entrance to Amenhotep III's mortuary temple. Although the temple itself was destroyed in an earthquake and most of its remnants have long since disappeared, these magnificent statues still stand guard today, albeit over an open field.

    Finally, a visit will be made to the Luxor Temple. Dieser bekannte antike Tempel wurde ursprünglich unter der Herrschaft von Amenophis III. erbaut und von Ramses II. erweitert. Dieser fügte auch eine Statue von sich selbst und zwei Obelisken hinzu. Today, only one of them remains at the Luxor Temple; the other one was given by Mohamed Ali to Louis Philippe in 1831 and is displayed at the Concorde in Paris to this day. Nachdem Alexander der Große im 4. Jahrhundert v. Chr. das Heiligtum umgebaut hatte, bauten auch die Römer einzelne Teile um, und schließlich errichteten Muslime eine Moschee im Tempel.

    Hinweis: Foto- und Videokameras sind innerhalb des Luxor-Tempels zulässig.

    Following your visit to the Luxor Temple, you will be transferred to your hotel for check-in.

    In the evening, enjoy a relaxed buffet dinner at your hotel.

    TAG 2

    After an early wake up call, breakfast boxes will be distributed by the hotel before proceeding to the Luxor Airport for a 60-minute flight to Cairo.

    Upon arrival in Cairo, considered to be the largest city in Africa and the Middle East, the group will enjoy a buffet breakfast at a deluxe hotel before starting the day’s touring.

    Your first visit of the day will be the Egyptian Museum of Antiquities. Opened in 1902, the museum has over 107 halls displaying the world's largest and richest collection of Egyptian antiquities, including statues, mummies, the priceless treasures of King Tutankhamen. HINWEIS: there are steps in the museum. Should the Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM) be open by the time this program takes place, the group will visit this museum instead. It will be the world’s largest archaeological museum with priceless artifacts and items from King Tutankhamen’s tomb.

    After your museum visit, you will be visiting the only remaining wonders of the Ancient World, the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx.

    The Giza Plateau consists of three major pyramids or tombs, built by the Pharaohs Cheops, his son Chephren and Chephern's son Mykerinus, where their mummified bodies would rest for eternity.

    Situated in front of the pyramids of Chephren, is the guardian of this ancient mortuary complex: the legendary Great Sphinx. This monumental statue, with the body of a lion and head of a human, was carved from a single piece of Giza plateau bedrock and is considered a national symbol of both ancient and modern Egypt.

    At each site you will have ample time to walk around and take photos although no inside visits are permitted. Please be aware that there will be vendors selling merchandise and camel rides which you should do only at your own risk.

    Lunch will be offered in a deluxe restaurant before drive back to Cairo Airport for the flight to Hurghada which is located approximately 60 km away from the port of Safaga.

    Once you have arrived you will be met and transferred to Safaga where you will re-board the ship.

    Landprogramm – Schritt für Schritt:

    Hinweis: Die Reihenfolge der besuchten Sehenswürdigkeiten kann abweichen, um Verkehrsstaus zu vermeiden. This program is subject to flight confirmations which are beyond our control. All program details including timings and any flights indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change. Endgültige Reiserouten mit den aktuellsten Details erhalten Sie vom Destination Services Team an Bord des Schiffs. Bitte sehen Sie sich Ihre finale Reiseroute genau an, falls weitere Änderungen vorgenommen wurden.

    Tag 1

    08:30 Uhr Disembark the ship in Safaga

    08:45 Uhr Proceed to the port terminal for security screening

    09:00 Uhr Depart for the drive to Luxor. The drive is approximately 3. 5 hours. Restrooms are

    available on the bus. Es wird ohne Zwischenhalt gefahren.

    12:30 Uhr Buffet lunch at a deluxe hotel.

    13:30 Uhr Proceed to visit the West Bank by motorboat

    14:15 Uhr Visit the Valley of the Kings

    15:45 Uhr Proceed to Hatshepsut Temple

    16:00 Uhr Photo stop at Hatshepsut Temple

    16:10 Uhr Proceed to the Colossi of Memnon

    16:15 Uhr Photo stop at the Colossi of Memnon

    16:20 Uhr Drive back to the East Bank

    17:00 Uhr Visit Luxor Temple

    18:00 Uhr Proceed to your hotel and check in

    Optional: shopping with your guide for an hour

    7-10pm Buffet dinner served at your hotel

    Overnight at the Hilton Luxor or similar hotel

    Day 2 - Timings subject to change based on flight details – below is a sample itinerary

    04:00 Uhr Wake up call, breakfast box provided by the hotel

    04:45 Uhr Proceed to the Luxor Airport

    05:15 Uhr Arrive at the Luxor Airport

    06:30 Uhr Fly to Cairo (Charter Flight details TBA and subject to change)

    07:30 Uhr Arrive at the Cairo International Airport

    08:15 Uhr Proceed for breakfast

    08:45 Uhr Breakfast at deluxe restaurant

    09:30 Uhr Proceed to the Egyptian Museum

    09:45 Uhr Visit the Egyptian Museum

    11:30 Uhr Proceed to the Pyramids area

    12:15 Uhr Visit the area surrounding the Pyramids and the Sphinx for photos

    14:15 Uhr Proceed for lunch – 15 min

    14:30 Uhr Lunch at a deluxe restaurant

    15:30 Uhr Drive to the Cairo Airport

    16:30 Uhr Arrive at the Cairo Airport

    17:30 Uhr Fly to Hurghada (Charter Flight details TBA and subject to change)

    18:30 Uhr Arrive in Hurghada

    19:00 Uhr Drive to Safaga port

    20:00 Uhr Arrive at Safaga port and re-embark the ship

    Voraussichtliches Wetter:

    The average high-temperature is 39.2°C (102.6°F) and the average low-temperature is 20.2°C (68.4°F). Make sure to stay hydrated throughout your visit and wear protection from the sun.

    Was Sie mitbringen sollten:

    Comfortable clothing, good walking shoes, camera, hat, sunscreen


    Egyptian Pound but USD are widely accepted


    220- 240 V - Adaptors are not available at hotels, please make sure to bring your own should you require one

    Luggage information:

    Domestic flights accommodate one piece of checked (23 KG) and one carry on (8 kg) per person. Should

    you exceed this allowance you will be required to pay at the check in counter for any excess.

    Carriage of Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines on internal flights per airline regulations (subject to change as each airline has their own regulations)

    1. Guests must obtain a Doctor’s Certificate mentioning their medical condition and the need to carry this equipment with them on their flights.

    2. The certificate should have attached a picture of the equipment with its description/specifications especially with regards to the type of batteries used (lithium/dry or any other type)

    3. These documents need to be sent to the Land Program Team via Reservations at RSSC at least one month prior to travel so that our local operator can begin the notification process with the airline(s).

    4. Failure to comply with the above regulations may result in a denial of this equipment at the airport for which Regent Seven Seas Cruises nor our local ground operator be responsible for.

    Erforderliche Papiere und Visa:


    Passports are required to brought with you on this trip

    At this time, Visas are not required for US, EU and Canadian citizens however you should check with your local Egyptian Embassy for further or updated information prior to travel


    Hilton Luxor Resort & Spa or similar hotel

    13 El Karnak El Gadid St, Luxor Governorate, Egypt

    Tel.: +2010 0600 1270

    * Eine Änderung der Hotels findet nur in unvorhergesehenen Fällen statt. Sollte ein Wechsel in ein vergleichbares Hotel notwendig sein, können Sie dieselbe Wertung und denselben Standard erwarten. Sie werden außerdem über diesen Wechsel informiert. Sollten Sie vor Abreise nicht über Änderungen informiert werden, findet die Übernachtung in dem Hotel statt, das im Programm aufgeführt ist.

    Im Programm enthalten:

    •One night at Hilton Luxor Resort or similar (Partial Nile View Room)

    •One breakfast, two lunches and one dinner

    •Bottled water, tea, coffee, one soda or one bottle of beer/one glass of local wine with meals

    •Entrance fees of all mentioned sites

    •Private English-speaking guide from Safaga port and back

    •Domestic economy class flights per the itinerary

    Nicht im Programm enthalten

    •Any meals or drinks not listed above

    • Trinkgelder für Fahrer und Fremdenführer

    • Persönliche Ausgaben

    •Hotel incidentals including room service and mini bar

    •Excess or overweight luggage on the flights

    Hinweis: Mehrtägige Landausflüge umfassen in der Regel ausgedehnte und längere Unternehmungen, während kürzere Ausflüge ein moderateres Programm bieten. Alle Programme sind jedoch verschieden, und die Teilnehmer sollten sich auf unterschiedliche Straßen- und Wegeverhältnisse einstellen, z. B.: Steigungen, Kopfsteinpflaster, Sand und Kies oder unbefestigte Wege. Gelegentlich wird auch Treppensteigen verlangt. Rollstuhlfahrer und Gäste mit eingeschränkter Mobilität wenden sich bitte im Voraus an die Kreuzfahrtgesellschaft und erkundigen sich, ob die gewünschten Ausflüge ganz oder nur teilweise für ihre individuelle Situation geeignet sind. Dem Wetter angemessene Kleidung, Kopfbedeckung, Sonnenbrille und flache, bequeme Wanderschuhe werden generell empfohlen.

    Alle Programme an Land sind beschränkt und gelten vorbehaltlich der Verfügbarkeit. Programme, bei denen nicht die Mindestanzahl an erforderlichen Teilnehmern erreicht wird, können gestrichen werden. Die aufgelisteten Preise unterliegen Änderungen aufgrund von unerwartet eintretenden Kostensteigerungen für Transport, Landprogramme und Währungsschwankungen. Einmal erworben, ist der Preis garantiert und unterliegt keinen weiteren Änderungen. Überlandprogramme während der Kreuzfahrt sind spätestens 60 Tage vor dem Start der Kreuzfahrt zu buchen. Stornierungen, die 90 Tage oder weniger vor dem Abfahrtsdatum erfolgen, unterliegen einer Stornogebühr von 100 %.


    Visit some of the most emblematic buildings in Egypt, including the twin temples at Abu Simbel, the Great Pyramids and Sphinx at Giza, and explore Cairo’s icons as well as the world’s newest and largest archaeological museum. This is an excellent option for guests who have already visited Luxor.

    Hinweis: This program is limited to 40 guests. It involves extensive walking over uneven ground and is thus not suitable for guests with walking difficulties or for those who require a wheelchair.

    TAG 1

    Upon disembarking the ship at Safaga Port, you will meet the guide and depart for a one-hour drive to the Hurghada airport. A chartered plane will be waiting to take you to Abu Simbel, situated at the southernmost point of Egypt on the western shore of Lake Nasser, just a few kilometers from the border with Sudan.

    Upon landing, you will dine at a restaurant before traveling to the village of Abu Simbel. Pharaoh Ramses II ordered the construction of two temples there more than 3.000 years ago. They were carved out of the sandstone rock on the west bank of the Nile River and feature four colossal statues of Ramses at the entryway.

    To save these UNESCO World Heritage site temples from the rising waters of the Nile after the Aswan Dam was built in the mid-20th century, they were disassembled block by block and reconstructed on higher ground.

    After viewing these awe-inspiring temples, you will board the awaiting plane for a two-hour flight to Cairo. You will then check into the Four Seasons hotel for the evening. A delightful dinner will be served at the hotel.

    TAG 2

    Following an early-morning breakfast at the hotel and check-out, you will drive into Old Cairo, where your first visit of the day will be a medieval Islamic fortress known simply as The Citadel. You will also see the adjacent Mosque of Muhammad Ali, which is often called the Alabaster Mosque due to the extensive use of that stone throughout the building. The mosque is the largest such structure built in Cairo during the first half of the 19th century and looks impressive even from a distance.

    Next, you will visit the Grand Egyptian Museum, the world’s largest archaeological museum. Of all its priceless artifacts, the items from King Tutankhamen’s tomb are the highlight as this is the first time that the full collection has been displayed in one place. Other attractions include pieces from pre-historic times, from the ancient Greek and Roman periods in Egyptian history and the Grand Staircase, which is lined with statues, sphinxes and temples.

    Following lunch at a nearby restaurant, you will visit one of the remaining wonders of the ancient world – the great Pyramids and the Sphinx.

    The Giza Plateau consists of three major pyramids or tombs, built by the Pharaohs Cheops, his son Chephren and Chephern's son Mykerinus, where their mummified bodies would rest for eternity.

    Situated in front of the pyramids of Chephren is the guardian of this ancient mortuary complex: the legendary Great Sphinx. This monumental statue with the body of a lion and head of a human was carved from a single piece of Giza plateau bedrock and is considered a national symbol of both ancient and modern Egypt.

    At each site you will have ample time to walk around and take photos, although inside visits are not permitted. Please be aware that there will be vendors selling merchandise and camel rides, which you should do only at your own risk.

    Following this enlightening visit, drive to the Cairo Airport for a flight to Hurghada. Upon arrival, you will be met and transferred to the port of Safaga and re-board the ship.

    Land Program Step by Step

    Die Reihenfolge der besuchten Sehenswürdigkeiten kann abweichen, um Verkehrsstaus zu vermeiden. All program details including timings and any flights indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change. Final itineraries with the most up-to-date details will be provided by the Destination Services Team once you board the ship. Bitte sehen Sie sich Ihre finale Reiseroute genau an, falls weitere Änderungen vorgenommen wurden.

    Day 1 – timing subject to change based on final flight details

    07:30 Uhr Disembark the ship in Safaga

    07:45 Uhr Proceed to the port terminal for security screening

    08:00 Uhr Depart for the drive to Hurghada airport

    09:00 Uhr Arrive at Hurghada airport and check-in

    10:00 Uhr Charter flight to Abu Simbel

    12:00 Uhr Arrive in Abu Simbel airport and proceed to lunch venue

    12:30 Uhr Lunch at a local restaurant

    13:30 Uhr Proceed to the Abu Simbel Temple

    13:45 Uhr Visit the Abu Simbel Temple

    15:30 Uhr Depart for the Abu Simbel airport

    15:45 Uhr Arrive at the Abu Simbel airport

    16:00 Uhr Charter flight to Cairo

    18:00 Uhr Arrive in Cairo airport and collect luggage

    18:30 Uhr Proceed to your hotel

    19:30 Uhr Check-in at your hotel

    20:00 Uhr Dinner at your hotel

    Overnight at the Four Seasons Cairo or similar hotel

    Day 2 - timing subject to change based on final flight details

    07:00 Uhr Buffet breakfast at the hotel and check-out

    08:00 Uhr Proceed to the Citadel and Mosque of Muhammad Ali

    08:30 Uhr Visit the Citadel and Mosque of Muhammad Ali

    09:30 Uhr Proceed to the Grand Egyptian Museum

    10:15 Uhr Visit the Grand Egyptian Museum

    12:15 Uhr Proceed to lunch venue

    13:15 Uhr Lunch at the Marriott Mena House or similar venue

    14:15 Uhr Proceed to the Pyramids of Giza

    14:30 Uhr Visit the Pyramids of Giza

    16:30 Uhr Depart for the Sphinx airport

    17:15 Uhr Arrive at the Sphinx airport

    18:00 Uhr Charter flight to Hurghada

    19:00 Uhr Arrive in Hurghada and collect luggage

    19:30 Uhr Drive to Safaga

    20:30 Uhr Arrive at the port of Safaga and re-board the ship

    Voraussichtliches Wetter

    The average high-temperature is 39.2°C (102.6°F) and the average low-temperature is 20.2°C (68.4°F). Make sure to stay hydrated throughout your visit and wear protection from the sun.

    Was Sie mitbringen sollten

    Comfortable, light, loose clothing, good walking shoes, camera, hat and sunscreen.


    Egyptian Pound, but USD are widely accepted.


    220-240 V. Bring your own universal travel adaptor for electric devices as adaptors are not available at the hotel.


    Domestic flights accommodate one piece of checked (23 kg/50 lbs.) and one carry on (8 kg/17 lbs.) per person. Should you exceed this allowance, you will be required to pay for any excess at the check-in counter.

    Carriage of Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines on internal flights per airline regulations (subject to change as each airline has their own regulations)

    1. Guests must obtain a doctor’s certificate mentioning their medical condition and the need to carry this equipment with them on their flights.

    2. The certificate should have attached a picture of the equipment with its description/specifications especially with regards to the type of batteries used (lithium/dry or any other type)

    3. These documents need to be sent to the Land Program Team via Reservations at RSSC at least one month prior to travel so that our local operator can begin the notification process with the airline(s).

    4. Failure to comply with the above regulations may result in a denial of this equipment at the airport for which Regent Seven Seas Cruises nor our local ground operator be responsible for.

    Erforderliche Papiere und Visa

    Passports are required to brought with you on this trip.

    At this time, visas are not required for US, EU and Canadian citizens, however, you should check with your local Egyptian Embassy for further or updated information prior to travel.


    Four Seasons First Residence - Cairo

    35 Charles de Gaulle, Oula, Giza District, Giza Governorate 12612

    * Eine Änderung der Hotels findet nur in unvorhergesehenen Fällen statt. If similar hotels are required they will be of equal ratings and standards and you will be notified of the change. Sollten Sie vor Abreise nicht über Änderungen informiert werden, findet die Übernachtung in dem Hotel statt, das im Programm aufgeführt ist.

    Das Programm für die Gäste enthält:

    •1 night at The Four Seasons Cairo or similar (Deluxe Room)

    •One breakfast, two lunches and one dinner

    •Bottled water, tea, coffee, one soda or one bottle of beer/one glass of local wine with meals

    •Entrance fees of all mentioned sites

    •English-speaking guide throughout

    •Economy-class flights per the itinerary (Business class flights not available)

    Nicht im Programm für die Gäste enthalten:

    •Any meals or drinks not listed above

    • Trinkgelder für Fahrer und Fremdenführer

    • Persönliche Ausgaben

    •Hotel incidentals including laundry, room service and mini bar

    •Excess or overweight luggage on the flights

    Hinweis: Mehrtägige Landausflüge umfassen in der Regel ausgedehnte und längere Unternehmungen, während kürzere Ausflüge ein moderateres Programm bieten. Alle Programme sind jedoch verschieden, und die Teilnehmer sollten sich auf unterschiedliche Straßen- und Wegeverhältnisse einstellen, z. B.: Steigungen, Sand und Kies oder unbefestigte Wege. Gelegentlich wird auch Treppensteigen verlangt. Rollstuhlfahrer und Gäste mit eingeschränkter Mobilität wenden sich bitte im Voraus an die Kreuzfahrtgesellschaft und erkundigen sich, ob die gewünschten Ausflüge ganz oder nur teilweise für ihre individuelle Situation geeignet sind.

    Alle Programme an Land sind beschränkt und gelten vorbehaltlich der Verfügbarkeit. Programme, bei denen nicht die Mindestanzahl an erforderlichen Teilnehmern erreicht wird, können gestrichen werden. Die aufgelisteten Preise unterliegen Änderungen aufgrund von unerwartet eintretenden Kostensteigerungen für Transport, Landprogramme und Währungsschwankungen.

    Einmal erworben, ist der Preis garantiert und unterliegt keinen weiteren Änderungen. Mid-cruise overland programs must be purchased no later than 90 days prior to your sail date. Stornierungen, die 90 Tage oder weniger vor dem Abfahrtsdatum erfolgen, unterliegen einer Stornogebühr von 100 %.


    Entdecken Sie auf dieser unvergesslichen Reise nach Luxor die geheimnisvolle Schönheit der antiken ägyptischen Tempel und Grabanlagen.

    Along the way, you will visit the Karnak, Luxor and Hatshepsut Temples, Colossi of Memnon and both the Valley of the Kings and the Queens.

    Tag 1

    Upon disembarking the ship in Safaga, meet your guide and depart for the 3.5-hour drive to Luxor.

    Upon arrival you will enjoy lunch then visit the Karnak temple.

    Located about two miles north of the Luxor Temple but connected to it by an impressive avenue of sphinxes, the Karnak Temple was the most important sanctuary of ancient Egypt, and the heart of the cult of the god Amon. Über die folgenden 2.000 Jahre fügte jeder Pharao seinen eigenen Teil dem Tempel hinzu.

    Der erste Pylon, den Sie sehen werden, wurde von den Ptolemäern aufgestellt. Past the second pylon, which is guarded by a pair of huge statues of Ramses II, you will find the great hypo-style hall, the largest hall of any temple in the world. It spans 50,000 square feet and contains 134 enormous columns. You may notice that some of the columns still have traces of the brilliant paint that originally covered them. The third pylon leads to the centre court, and past the fourth pylon is the 97-foot-high obelisk of Queen Hatshepsut, carved from a solid piece of pink granite.

    Wenn Sie die folgenden Pylone und Tempelhöfe besichtigen, unternehmen Sie eine Reise rückwärts durch die Zeit, bis Sie schließlich den ältesten Teil des Tempels erreichen. Er wurde von den Pharaonen des Mittleren Reichs um 2000 v. Chr gebaut. Am südlichen Ende des Tempels liegt der heilige See, wo Zeremonienboote zur Huldigung des Gottes Amun eingesetzt wurden.

    HINWEIS: Cameras and video cameras are permitted inside the Karnak Temple free of charge.

    Following Karnak Temple visit you will visit the Luxor Temple, which was originally built during the reign of Amenophis the III and then expanded by Ramses II, who added a statue of himself and two obelisks.

    Today, only one of the statues remains at the Luxor Temple; Mohamed Ali gave the other one to Louis Philippe in 1831 and it is displayed at the Concorde in Paris. After Alexander, the Great rebuilt the sanctuary in the 4th century B.C., the Romans subsequently rebuilt portions of it, and then the Muslims built a mosque in the temple.

    HINWEIS: Cameras and video cameras are permitted inside Luxor Temple free-of-charge.

    Transfer to your hotel for check in before departing for a visit to the Luxor Museum.

    This marvelous museum overlooks the west bank of the Nile River and has an amazing collection of ancient artifacts. Displays range from magnificent pharaonic art to items used in everyday life, such as pottery and jewelry, including a carefully selected assortment of items from the Theban temples and necropolis.

    Back to your hotel, enjoy a buffet dinner before retiring for the evening.

    TAG 2

    Following a morning buffet breakfast, you will cross over the Nile to the West Bank to visit the Valley of the Kings, hidden in the foothills of the Gourma Mountains. More than 60 tombs of pharaohs and noble people have been excavated in this valley. Neben dem Abbild von Gesicht und Körper wurden auch die offiziellen Namen und Titel der Könige in das Grab geritzt. Zwischen der 18. und 20. Dynastie mieden die Könige die Region um Memphis und errichteten ihre Grabstätten in Theben.

    Enjoy a special visit to the longest and one of the most beautiful tombs in the valley known as Seti I Tomb. It is still recognized as an elaborately decorated monument from the times of Seti I and his son, Ramesses II.

    The most fascinating aspects of the tomb are the well-crafted decorations that brought antiquity to vivid life.

    Next you will visit King Tutankhamun's tomb where his mummy still rests, and if time permits, you may be able to have a look into one or two other tombs in the area.

    HINWEIS: Mobile cameras, regular cameras and video cameras are not permitted inside Seti 1st & King Tut tombs.

    Mobile cameras are allowed and free of charge inside other valley tombs.

    Continuing on, enjoy a photo stop at the Hatshepsut Temple, whose unique design features a series of grand terraces extending up a cliff with rows of square granite columns blending in with the mountainside.

    From here, you will proceed for a visit to Valley of the Queens where you will be visiting Queen Nefertari’s Tomb known for its lavish decoration and colors – it is one of the largest and most spectacular in the Valley of the Queens. Nefertari Meritmut was an Egyptian queen and the first of the great royal wife’s (or principal wife) of Ramses the great. The number of visitors here per day is limited and prior permission to visit must be requested.

    This has been specially arranged for our group.

    HINWEIS: There are a series of steps (up to 20 steps per chamber) to go down into the various tombs and the ground surrounding the tombs is uneven and dusty. It is also extremely hot here.

    Mobile cameras, regular cameras and video cameras are not permitted inside Nefertari tomb.

    Next, a photo stop will be made at the Colossi of Memnon. This structure was originally built as a mortuary temple in Thebes and guarded by two gigantic statues on the outer gates. Das Einzige, was heute davon übrig ist, sind die fast 75 Fuß hohen und ca. 1.000 Tonnen schweren Statuen des Amenhotep III. Though damaged by nature and ancient tourists, the statues are still impressive, nonetheless.

    Finally, you will embark on a Dahabeya boat for a cruise along the Nile including lunch. Arriving at your hotel, you will check-out and depart for the 3.5-hours’ drive back to Safaga. Upon arrival, you will proceed directly to the pier and re-embark the ship.

    Landprogramm – Schritt für Schritt:

    Hinweis: Die Reihenfolge der besuchten Sehenswürdigkeiten kann abweichen, um Verkehrsstaus zu vermeiden. All program details including timings and any flights indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change. Endgültige Reiserouten mit den aktuellsten Details erhalten Sie vom Destination Services Team an Bord des Schiffs. Bitte sehen Sie sich Ihre finale Reiseroute genau an, falls weitere Änderungen vorgenommen wurden.

    Tag 1

    08:45 Uhr Disembark the ship in Safaga

    Proceed to the port terminal for security screening

    09:00 Uhr Depart for the drive to Luxor. The drive is approximately 3.5 hours. Restrooms are available on the bus. Es wird ohne Zwischenhalt gefahren.

    12:30 Uhr Buffet lunch at a deluxe hotel

    13:30 Uhr Proceed to Karnak Temple

    13:45 Uhr Visit Karnak Temple

    15:30 Uhr Proceed to Luxor Temple

    15:45 Uhr Visit Luxor Temple

    16:45 Uhr Proceed to your hotel for check in

    Optional: shopping with your guide for an hour

    18:45 Uhr Proceed to the Luxor Museum

    19:00 Uhr Visit the Luxor Museum

    20:00 Uhr Drive back to the hotel

    20:15 Uhr Buffet dinner is served.

    Buffet dinner will be served from 19:00 Uhr to 22:00 Uhr for those who opt out of the museum visit

    Overnight at the Sonesta St. George Luxor or similar hotel

    Tag 2

    6:00 Uhr Frühstücksbuffet im Hotel

    07:00 Uhr Cross the Nile to the west bank

    07:45 Uhr Visit the Valley of the Kings including Seti I Tomb and King Tut’s Tomb

    09:45 Uhr Proceed to Hatshepsut Temple

    10:00 Uhr Photo stop at Hatshepsut Temple

    10:10 Uhr Proceed to the Valley of the Queens

    10:15 Uhr Visit Nefertari’s Tomb

    11:00 Uhr Proceed to Colossi of Memnon

    11:05 Uhr Photo stop at Colossi of Memnon

    11:10 Uhr Proceed to the cruise boat

    11:30 Uhr Lunch on the Nile boat cruise

    12:30 Uhr Arrive at your hotel and check out

    13:00 Uhr Drive back to Safaga. The drive is approximately 3.5 hours.

    Restrooms are available on the bus. Es wird ohne Zwischenhalt gefahren.

    16:30 Uhr Arrive back in Safaga and rejoin the ship

    Voraussichtliches Wetter:

    Average high-temperature is 39.2°C (102.6°F) and the average low-temperature is 20.2°C (68.4°F). Make sure to stay hydrated throughout your visit and wear protection from the sun.

    Was Sie mitbringen sollten:

    Comfortable clothing, good walking shoes, camera, hat, sunscreen


    Egyptian Pound but USD are widely accepted


    220- 240 V - Adaptors are not available at hotels, please make sure to bring your own should you require one

    Luggage information:

    A light carry-on is suggested for this one-night stay

    Erforderliche Papiere und Visa:

    Passports are required to brought with you on this trip

    At this time, Visas are not required for US, EU and Canadian citizens however you should check with your local Egyptian Embassy for further or updated information for your nationality prior to travel

    Anschriften der Hotels:

    Sonesta St. George Hotel Luxor

    Gazirat Al Awameyah, Luxor Governorate

    Telefon: +2095 238 2575

    * Eine Änderung der Hotels findet nur in unvorhergesehenen Fällen statt. Sollte ein Wechsel in ein vergleichbares Hotel notwendig sein, können Sie dieselbe Wertung und denselben Standard erwarten. Sie werden außerdem über diesen Wechsel informiert. Sollten Sie vor Abreise nicht über Änderungen informiert werden, findet die Übernachtung in dem Hotel statt, das im Programm aufgeführt ist.

    Das Programm für die Gäste enthält:

    •1 night at Sonesta St. George Hotel Luxor or similar - (Royal club floor – Side Nile View Room)

    •One breakfast, two lunches and one dinner

    •Bottled water, tea, coffee, one soda or one bottle of beer/one glass of local wine with meals

    •Entrance fees of all mentioned sites

    •English-speaking guide from Safaga port and back

    Nicht im Programm für die Gäste enthalten:

    •Any meals or drinks not listed above

    • Trinkgelder für Fahrer und Fremdenführer

    • Persönliche Ausgaben

    •Hotel incidentals including room service and mini bar

    Hinweis: Mehrtägige Landausflüge umfassen in der Regel ausgedehnte und längere Unternehmungen, während kürzere Ausflüge ein moderateres Programm bieten. Alle Programme sind jedoch verschieden, und die Teilnehmer sollten sich auf unterschiedliche Straßen- und Wegeverhältnisse einstellen, z. B.: Steigungen, Kopfsteinpflaster, Sand und Kies oder unbefestigte Wege. Gelegentlich wird auch Treppensteigen verlangt. Rollstuhlfahrer und Gäste mit eingeschränkter Mobilität wenden sich bitte im Voraus an die Kreuzfahrtgesellschaft und erkundigen sich, ob die gewünschten Ausflüge ganz oder nur teilweise für ihre individuelle Situation geeignet sind. Dem Wetter angemessene Kleidung, Kopfbedeckung, Sonnenbrille und flache, bequeme Wanderschuhe werden generell empfohlen.

    Alle Programme an Land sind beschränkt und gelten vorbehaltlich der Verfügbarkeit. Programme, bei denen nicht die Mindestanzahl an erforderlichen Teilnehmern erreicht wird, können gestrichen werden. Die aufgelisteten Preise unterliegen Änderungen aufgrund von unerwartet eintretenden Kostensteigerungen für Transport, Landprogramme und Währungsschwankungen. Einmal erworben, ist der Preis garantiert und unterliegt keinen weiteren Änderungen. Überlandprogramme während der Kreuzfahrt sind spätestens 60 Tage vor dem Start der Kreuzfahrt zu buchen. Stornierungen, die 90 Tage oder weniger vor dem Abfahrtsdatum erfolgen, unterliegen einer Stornogebühr von 100 %.


    Indulge your senses with some of ancient history’s most renowned relics during this scenic and memorable tour of Egypt. The adventure begins with a journey to the world’s greatest open-air museum, Luxor City where you will be exploring the beauty and mystery of Egypt’s ancient temples and tombs. On the following day, fly to Cairo where your adventure continues with visits to the famous Egyptian Museum of Antiquities, the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx.

    HINWEIS: This program involves extensive walking over uneven ground and is thus not suitable for guests with walking difficulties or for those who require a wheelchair.

    Hinweis: Any guests travelling with Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines should read further below for airline stipulations with regards to bringing this equipment on tour.

    Tag 1

    Upon disembarking the ship in Safaga, you will be met by your guide and depart for the 3.5-hour drive to Luxor. Restrooms are available on the coach therefore no stops are planned along the way. Coaches are escorted along the way.

    Upon arrival in Luxor the group will enjoy lunch before crossing the fabulous Nile River by motor boat and proceed to the West Bank area for a visit to the Valley of the Kings. It is here you will find the remarkable tombs of Egypt's ancient kings, their families and other Egyptian nobility.

    Hinweis: there is a step or two down into the boat, the boat is fully covered but open on the sides.

    Ample time is allotted here for you to fully explore this wonderful site. The ticket you receive will include entry to three tombs of your choice. The ground is uneven and there are many steps to enter each of the various tombs.

    Next, it's on to Hatshepsut Temple where there will be a short photo stop. This awesome mortuary temple that was buried under sand for centuries was built by Hatshepsut, the only woman to rule as a Pharaoh. Built into the mountainside, it stands as an incredible monument to the powers held by the pharaohs.

    A second photo stop follows at the Colossi of Memnon - two massive statues that originally flanked the entrance to Amenhotep III's mortuary temple. Although the temple itself was destroyed in an earthquake and most of its remnants have long since disappeared, these magnificent statues still stand guard today, albeit over an open field.

    Finally, a visit will be made to the Luxor Temple. This renowned ancient structure was originally built during the reign of Amenophis the III and then expanded by Ramses II, who added a statue of himself and two obelisks. Heute steht nur noch einer im Luxor-Tempel. Der andere wurde dem französischen König Louis Philippe 1831 von Mohammad Ali Pascha geschenkt. Seitdem steht er auf der Place de la Concorde in Paris. Nachdem Alexander der Große im 4. Jahrhundert v. Chr. das Heiligtum umgebaut hatte, bauten auch die Römer einzelne Teile um, und schließlich errichteten Muslime eine Moschee im Tempel.

    Hinweis: Foto- und Videokameras sind innerhalb des Luxor-Tempels zulässig. The ground is uneven here.

    Following your visit to the Luxor Temple, you will be transferred to your hotel for check-in. In the evening, enjoy a relaxed buffet dinner at your hotel.

    Tag 2

    After an early wake up call, breakfast boxes will be distributed by the hotel before proceeding to the Luxor Airport for a 60-minute flight to Cairo.

    Upon arrival in Cairo, considered to be the largest city in Africa and the Middle East, the group will enjoy a buffet breakfast at a deluxe hotel before starting the day’s touring.

    Your first visit of the day will be the Egyptian Museum of Antiquities. Opened in 1902, the museum has over 107 halls displaying the world's largest and richest collection of Egyptian antiquities, including statues, mummies , the priceless treasures of King Tutankhamen. HINWEIS: there are steps in the museum

    After your museum visit, lunch will be offered in a deluxe restaurant before visiting the only remaining wonders of the Ancient World, the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx.

    The Giza Plateau consists of three major pyramids or tombs, built by the Pharaohs Cheops, his son Chephren and Chephern's son Mykerinus, where their mummified bodies would rest for eternity.

    Situated in front of the pyramids of Chephren, is the guardian of this ancient mortuary complex: the legendary Great Sphinx. This monumental statue, with the body of a lion and head of a human, was carved from a single piece of Giza plateau bedrock and is considered a national symbol of both ancient and modern Egypt.

    At each site you will have ample time to walk around and take photos although no inside visits are permitted. Please be aware that there will be vendors selling merchandise and camel rides which you should do only at your own risk.

    Following the Pyramids visit, drive back to the Cairo Airport for the flight to Hurghada which is located approximately 60 km away from the port of Safaga. Once you have arrived you will be met and transferred to Safaga where you will re-board the ship.

    Landprogramm – Schritt für Schritt:

    Hinweis: Die Reihenfolge der besuchten Sehenswürdigkeiten kann abweichen, um Verkehrsstaus zu vermeiden. This program is subject to flight confirmations which are beyond our control. All program details including timings and any flights indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change. Endgültige Reiserouten mit den aktuellsten Details erhalten Sie vom Destination Services Team an Bord des Schiffs. Bitte sehen Sie sich Ihre finale Reiseroute genau an, falls weitere Änderungen vorgenommen wurden.

    Day 1 Timings may vary slightly depending on arrival time of the ship

    09:00 Uhr Disembark the ship in Safaga

    09:15 Uhr Proceed to the port terminal for security screening

    09:30 Uhr Depart for the drive to Luxor. The drive is approximately 3. 5 hours. Restrooms are available on the bus. Es wird ohne Zwischenhalt gefahren.

    13:00 Uhr Buffet lunch at a deluxe hotel

    14:00 Uhr Proceed to visit the West Bank by motor boat

    14:45 Uhr Visit the Valley of the Kings

    16:15 Uhr Proceed to Hatshepsut Temple

    16:30 Uhr Photo stop at Hatshepsut Temple

    16:40 Uhr Proceed to the Colossi of Memnon

    16:45 Uhr Photo stop at the Colossi of Memnon

    16:50 Uhr Drive back to the East Bank

    17:30 Uhr Visit Luxor Temple

    18:30 Uhr Proceed to you hotel and check in

    7-10pm Buffet dinner served at your hotel

    Overnight at the Hilton Luxor Resort or similar hotel

    Day 2 – Timings subject to change based on flight details – below is a sample itinerary

    04:00 Uhr Wake up call, breakfast box provided by the hotel

    04:45 Uhr Proceed to the Luxor Airport

    05:15 Uhr Arrive at the Luxor Airport

    06:20 Uhr Fly to Cairo (Flight details TBA and subject to change)

    07:30 Uhr Arrive at the Cairo International Airport

    08:15 Uhr Proceed to a deluxe restaurant for buffet breakfast

    09:15 Uhr Drive to the Egyptian Museum

    10:00 Uhr Visit the Egyptian Museum

    11:45 Uhr Proceed to the Pyramids area

    12:30 Uhr Lunch at a deluxe restaurant

    13:15 Uhr Drive to the Pyramids of Giza

    13:30 Uhr Visit the area surrounding the Pyramids and the Sphinx for photos

    Hinweis: inside visits are not included

    15:15 Uhr Drive to the Cairo Airport

    16:30 Uhr Arrive at the Cairo Airport

    17:45 Uhr Fly to Hurghada (flight details TBA and subject to change)

    18:50 Uhr Arrive in Hurghada

    19:30 Uhr Drive to Safaga port

    20:30 Uhr Arrive at Safaga port and re-embark the ship

    Voraussichtliches Wetter:

    Luxor 34 C and Cairo 30 C

    Was Sie mitbringen sollten:

    Comfortable clothing, good walking shoes, camera, hat, sunscreen


    Egyptian Pound but USD are widely accepted


    220- 240 V. Adaptors are not available therefore we suggest you bring your own travel adaptor should

    you require it.


    Domestic flights accommodate one piece of checked (23 KG) and one carry on (8 kg) per person. Should you exceed this allowance you will be required to pay at the check in counter for any excess.

    Carriage of Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines on internal flights per airline regulations (subject to change as each airline has their own regulations)

    1. Guests must obtain a Doctor’s Certificate mentioning their medical condition and the need to carry this equipment with them on their flights.

    2. The certificate should have attached a picture of the equipment with its description/specifications especially with regards to the type of batteries used (lithium/dry or any other type)

    3. These documents need to be sent to the Land Program Team via Reservations at RSSC at least one month prior to travel so that our local operator can begin the notification process with the airline(s).

    4. Failure to comply with the above regulations may result in a denial of this equipment at the airport for which Regent Seven Seas Cruises nor our local ground operator be responsible for.


    Hilton Luxor Resort or similar hotel

    El-Karnak El-Gadid, Luxor, Luxor Governorate, Egypt

    Telefon: +20 100 600 1270

    * Eine Änderung der Hotels findet nur in unvorhergesehenen Fällen statt. If similar hotels are required they will be of equal ratings and standards and you will be notified of the change. If you are not notified of any changes before your departure then you will be staying at the hotel listed in this program.


    Passports are required to brought with you on this trip

    At this time, Visas are not required for US, EU and Canadian citizens however you should check with your local Egyptian Embassy for further or updated information prior to travel

    Im Programm enthalten:

    •1 night at the Hilton Luxor Resort and Spa or similar (partial Nile View Room)

    •One breakfast, two lunches and one dinner

    •Bottled water, tea, coffee, one soda or one bottle of beer/one glass of local wine with meals

    •Entrance fees, guides and touring as per the itinerary

    •Domestic economy class flights per the itinerary

    Nicht enthalten:

    •Any meals and drinks not listed above


    •Personal expenses and hotel incidentals including mini bar and room service

    •Overweight or excess luggage fees

    Hinweis: Mehrtägige Landausflüge umfassen in der Regel ausgedehnte und längere Unternehmungen, während kürzere Ausflüge ein moderateres Programm bieten. Alle Programme sind jedoch verschieden, und die Teilnehmer sollten sich auf unterschiedlichen Untergrund einstellen, z. B.: Steigungen, Kopfsteinpflaster, Sand, Kies oder naturbelassene Wege. Gelegentlich wird auch Treppensteigen verlangt. Rollstuhlfahrer und Gäste mit eingeschränkter Mobilität wenden sich bitte im Voraus an die Kreuzfahrtgesellschaft und erkundigen sich, ob die gewünschten Ausflüge ganz oder nur teilweise für ihre individuelle Situation geeignet sind. Dem Wetter angemessene Kleidung, Kopfbedeckung, Sonnenbrille und flache, bequeme Wanderschuhe werden generell empfohlen.

    Alle Programme an Land sind beschränkt und gelten vorbehaltlich der Verfügbarkeit. Programme, bei denen nicht die Mindestanzahl an erforderlichen Teilnehmern erreicht wird, können gestrichen werden. Die aufgelisteten Preise unterliegen Änderungen aufgrund von unerwartet eintretenden Kostensteigerungen für Transport, Landprogramme und Währungsschwankungen. Einmal erworben, ist der Preis garantiert und unterliegt keinen weiteren Änderungen. Überlandprogramme während der Kreuzfahrt sind spätestens 60 Tage vor dem Start der Kreuzfahrt zu buchen. Stornierungen, die 60 Tage oder weniger vor dem Abfahrtsdatum erfolgen, unterliegen einer Stornogebühr von 100 %.


    Entdecken Sie auf dieser unvergesslichen Reise nach Luxor die geheimnisvolle Schönheit der antiken ägyptischen Tempel und Grabanlagen. Der Weg führt Sie zu den Karnak-, Luxor- und Hatschepsut-Tempeln, zu den Memnonkolossen und ins Tal der Könige und Königinnen.

    Hinweis: Any guests travelling with Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC) or CPAP breathing machines should read further below for airline stipulations with regards to bringing this equipment on tour.

    Day 1 - 31. Dezember 2025

    Upon disembarking the ship in Safaga, meet your guide and depart for the 3.5-hour drive to Luxor.

    Upon arrival you will enjoy lunch and then visit the Karnak temple.

    Located about two miles north of the Luxor Temple, but connected to it by an impressive avenue of sphinxes, the Karnak Temple was the most important sanctuary of ancient Egypt, and the heart of the cult of the god Amon. Über die folgenden 2.000 Jahre fügte jeder Pharao seinen eigenen Teil dem Tempel hinzu.

    Der erste Pylon, den Sie sehen werden, wurde von den Ptolemäern aufgestellt. Past the second pylon, which is guarded by a pair of huge statues of Ramses II, you will find the great hypo-style hall, the largest hall of any temple in the world. It spans 50,000 square feet and contains 134 enormous columns. You may notice that some of the columns still have traces of the brilliant paint that originally covered them. The third pylon leads to the centre court, and past the fourth pylon is the 97-foot-high obelisk of Queen Hatshepsut, carved from a solid piece of pink granite.

    Wenn Sie die folgenden Pylone und Tempelhöfe besichtigen, unternehmen Sie eine Reise rückwärts durch die Zeit, bis Sie schließlich den ältesten Teil des Tempels erreichen. Er wurde von den Pharaonen des Mittleren Reichs um 2000 v. Chr gebaut. Am südlichen Ende des Tempels liegt der heilige See, wo Zeremonienboote zur Huldigung des Gottes Amun eingesetzt wurden.

    HINWEIS: Cameras and video cameras are permitted inside the Karnak Temple free of charge.

    Following Karnak Temple visit you will visit the Luxor Temple, which was originally built during the reign of Amenophis the III and then expanded by Ramses II, who added a statue of himself and two obelisks.

    Today, only one of the statues remains at the Luxor Temple; Mohamed Ali gave the other one to Louis Philippe in 1831 and it is displayed at the Concorde in Paris. After Alexander the Great rebuilt the sanctuary in the 4th century B.C., the Romans subsequently rebuilt portions of it, and then the Muslims built a mosque in the temple.

    HINWEIS: Foto- und Videokameras sind innerhalb des Luxor-Tempels zulässig.

    Transfer to your hotel for check in before departing for a visit to the Luxor Museum. This marvelous museum overlooks the west bank of the Nile River and has an amazing collection of ancient artifacts. Displays range from magnificent pharaonic art to items used in everyday life, such as pottery and jewelry, including a carefully selected assortment of items from the Theban temples and necropolis.

    Back at your hotel, enjoy a buffet dinner before retiring for the evening.

    New Years Eve details TBA

    Day 2 - 01. Januar 2026

    Following a buffet breakfast, you will cross over the Nile to the West Bank to visit the Valley of the Kings, hidden in the foothills of the Gourma Mountains. More than 60 tombs of pharaohs and noblemen have been excavated in this valley. Neben dem Abbild von Gesicht und Körper wurden auch die offiziellen Namen und Titel der Könige in das Grab geritzt. Zwischen der 18. und 20. Dynastie mieden die Könige die Region um Memphis und errichteten ihre Grabstätten in Theben.

    Enjoy a special visit to the longest and one of the most beautiful tombs in the valley known as Seti I Tomb. It is still recognized as an elaborately decorated monument from the times of Sety I and his son, Ramesses II. The most fascinating aspects of the tomb are the well-crafted decorations that brought antiquity to vivid life

    Next you will visit King Tutankhamun's tomb where his mummy still rests, and if time permits, you may be able to have a look into one or two other tombs in the area.

    Continuing on, enjoy a photo stop at the Hatshepsut Temple, whose unique design features a series of grand terraces extending up a cliff with rows of square granite columns blending in with the mountainside.

    From here, you will proceed for a visit to Valley of the Queens where you will be visiting Queen Nefertari’s Tomb known for its lavish decoration and colors – it is one of the largest and most spectacular in the Valley of the Queens. Nefertari Meritmut, was an Egyptian queen and the first of the Great Royal Wives (or principal wives) of Ramesses the Great. The number of visitors here per day is limited and prior permission to visit must be requested. This has been specially arranged for our group.

    HINWEIS: there are a series of steps (up to 20 steps per chamber) to go down into the various tombs and the ground surrounding the tombs is uneven and dusty. It is also extremely hot here.

    Foto- und Videokameras können zum Besuch mitgebracht werden, dürfen aber innerhalb der Grabstätten nicht benutzt werden.

    Next, a photo stop will be made at the Colossi of Memnon. This structure was originally built as a mortuary temple in Thebes and guarded by two gigantic statues on the outer gates. Das Einzige, was heute davon übrig ist, sind die fast 75 Fuß hohen und ca. 1.000 Tonnen schweren Statuen des Amenhotep III. Obwohl durch Natureinflüsse und frühere Touristen stark beschädigt, sind die Statuen auch heute noch äußerst beeindruckend. HINWEIS: Foto- und Videokameras sind gebührenfrei zulässig.

    Finally you will embark on a Dahabeya boat for a cruise along the Nile including lunch. Arriving at your hotel, you will check-out and depart for the 3.5-hour drive back to Safaga. Upon arrival, you will proceed directly to the pier and re-embark the ship.

    Landprogramm – Schritt für Schritt:

    Hinweis: Die Reihenfolge der besuchten Sehenswürdigkeiten kann abweichen, um Verkehrsstaus zu vermeiden. All program details and the timings indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change. Endgültige Reiserouten mit den aktuellsten Details erhalten Sie vom Destination Services Team an Bord des Schiffs. Bitte sehen Sie sich Ihre finale Reiseroute genau an, falls weitere Änderungen vorgenommen wurden.

    Tag 1

    08:45 Uhr Disembark and proceed through port security

    09:00 Uhr Depart for the drive to Luxor. The drive is approximately 3. 5 hours. Restrooms are available on the bus. Es wird ohne Zwischenhalt gefahren.

    12:30 Uhr Buffet lunch at a deluxe hotel. Beverages include bottled water, tea and coffee

    13:30 Uhr Proceed to Karnak temple

    13:45 Uhr Visit Karnak Temple

    15:30 Uhr Proceed to Luxor temple

    15:45 Uhr Visit Luxor Temple

    16:45 Uhr Proceed to your hotel for check in

    17:00 Uhr Check in

    Optional: shopping with your guide for an hour

    18:45 Uhr Proceed to the Luxor Museum

    19:00 Uhr Visit the Luxor Museum

    20:00 Uhr Drive back to the hotel

    20:15 Uhr Buffet dinner is served. Beverages include bottled water, tea and coffee

    Buffet dinner will be served from 19:00 Uhr to 22:00 Uhr for those who opt out of the museum visit

    Overnight at the Sonesta St. George or similar hotel

    Tag 2

    05:30 Uhr Buffet breakfast at the hotel

    06:30 Uhr Check out and Cross the Nile to the west bank

    07:15 Uhr Visit the Valley of the Kings including Seti I Tomb and King Tut’s Tomb

    09:15 Uhr Proceed to Hatshepsut temple

    09:30 Uhr Photo stop at Hatshepsut temple

    09:40 Uhr Proceed to the Valley of the Queens

    09:45 Uhr Visit Nefertari’s Tomb

    10:30 Uhr Proceed to Colossi of Memnon

    10:40 Uhr Photo stop at Colossi of Memnon

    10:45 Uhr Proceed to the cruise boat

    11:00 Uhr Lunch on the Nile boat cruise

    12:00 Uhr Drive back to Safaga - 3.5 hours.

    15:30 Uhr Arrive back in Safaga and rejoin the ship

    Voraussichtliches Wetter:

    32 degrees C / 100 degrees F

    Was Sie mitbringen sollten:

    Comfortable clothing, good walking shoes, camera, hat, sunscreen


    Egyptian Pound but USD are widely accepted


    220- 240 V - Adaptors are not available at hotels, please make sure to bring your own should you require one


    A carry on size bag is suggested for this one night stay


    Passports are required to brought with you on this trip

    At this time, Visas are not required for US, EU and Canadian citizens however you should check with your local Egyptian Embassy for further or updated information for your nationality prior to travel


    Sonesta St. George

    Gazirat Al Awameyah, Luxor, Luxor Governorate, Egypt

    Telefon: +20 95 2382575

    * Eine Änderung der Hotels findet nur in unvorhergesehenen Fällen statt. If similar hotels are required they will be of equal ratings and standards and you will be notified of the change. If you are not notified of any changes before your departure then you will be staying at the hotel listed in this program.


    •1 night at the Sonesta St. George or similar hotel – Club floor Partial Nile View

    •One breakfast, two lunches and one dinner

    •Bottled water, tea, coffee, one soda or one bottle of beer/one glass of local wine with meals

    •Entrance fees, guide

    Nicht enthalten:

    •Any meals and drinks not listed above

    • Trinkgelder für Fahrer und Fremdenführer

    • Persönliche Ausgaben

    •Hotel incidentals including room service and mini bar

    Hinweis: Mehrtägige Landausflüge umfassen in der Regel ausgedehnte und längere Unternehmungen, während kürzere Ausflüge ein moderateres Programm bieten. Alle Programme sind jedoch verschieden, und die Teilnehmer sollten sich auf unterschiedlichen Untergrund einstellen, z. B.: Steigungen, Kopfsteinpflaster, Sand, Kies oder naturbelassene Wege. Gelegentlich wird auch Treppensteigen verlangt. Rollstuhlfahrer und Gäste mit eingeschränkter Mobilität wenden sich bitte im Voraus an die Kreuzfahrtgesellschaft und erkundigen sich, ob die gewünschten Ausflüge ganz oder nur teilweise für ihre individuelle Situation geeignet sind. Dem Wetter angemessene Kleidung, Kopfbedeckung, Sonnenbrille und flache, bequeme Wanderschuhe werden generell empfohlen.

    Alle Programme an Land sind beschränkt und gelten vorbehaltlich der Verfügbarkeit. Programme, bei denen nicht die Mindestanzahl an erforderlichen Teilnehmern erreicht wird, können gestrichen werden. Die aufgelisteten Preise unterliegen Änderungen aufgrund von unerwartet eintretenden Kostensteigerungen für Transport, Landprogramme und Währungsschwankungen. Einmal erworben, ist der Preis garantiert und unterliegt keinen weiteren Änderungen. Überlandprogramme während der Kreuzfahrt sind spätestens 60 Tage vor dem Start der Kreuzfahrt zu buchen. Stornierungen, die 60 Tage oder weniger vor dem Abfahrtsdatum erfolgen, unterliegen einer Stornogebühr von 100 %.


    Entdecken Sie auf dieser unvergesslichen Reise nach Luxor die geheimnisvolle Schönheit der antiken ägyptischen Tempel und Grabanlagen. Along the way, you will visit the Karnak, Luxor and Hatshepsut Temples, Medinet Habu, Colossi of Memnon and the Valley of the Kings.

    TAG 1

    Upon disembarking the ship in Safaga, proceed through security screening and then meet your guide and depart for the 3.5-hour drive to Luxor. There are no stops scheduled as there are restrooms on the coaches.

    Upon arrival, a stop will be made for lunch after which you will visit the Karnak Temple. Located about two miles north of the Luxor Temple but connected to it by an impressive avenue of sphinxes, the Karnak Temple was the most important sanctuary of ancient Egypt, and the heart of the cult of the god Amon. Über die folgenden 2.000 Jahre fügte jeder Pharao seinen eigenen Teil dem Tempel hinzu.

    Der erste Pylon, den Sie sehen werden, wurde von den Ptolemäern aufgestellt. Past the second pylon, which is guarded by a pair of huge statues of Ramses II, you will find the great hypo-style hall, the largest hall of any temple in the world. It spans 50,000 square feet and contains 134 enormous columns. You may notice that some of the columns still have traces of the brilliant paint that originally covered them. The third pylon leads to the centre court, and past the fourth pylon is the 97-foot-high obelisk of Queen Hatshepsut, carved from a solid piece of pink granite.

    HINWEIS: Foto- und Videokameras sind innerhalb des Karnak-Tempels gebührenfrei zulässig.

    Next, a visit will be made to the Luxor Temple which was originally built during the reign of Amenophis the III and then expanded by Ramses II, who added a statue of himself and two obelisks.

    Today, only one of the statues remains at the Luxor Temple; Mohamed Ali gave the other one to Louis Philippe in 1831 and it is displayed at the Concorde in Paris. After Alexander the Great rebuilt the sanctuary in the 4th century B.C., the Romans subsequently rebuilt portions of it, and then the Muslims built a mosque in the temple. HINWEIS: Foto- und Videokameras sind innerhalb des Luxor-Tempels zulässig.

    Following your visit to the Luxor Temple, you will be transferred back to your hotel for check-in.

    In the evening, you will depart for a spectacular sound and light show at the Karnak Temple. It’s an amazing performance that traces the history of Thebes, including the lives of the pharaohs who built the necropolis. Afterwards, you will return to your hotel for dinner.

    Hinweis: Dinner will be served from 19:30 Uhr to 22:30 Uhr. Guests attending the Sound and Light Show will dine following the show.

    DAY 2 –

    After a buffet breakfast, you will cross over the Nile to the West Bank for a visit to the Valley of the Kings which is hidden in the foothills of the Gourma Mountains. In diesem Tal wurden über 60 Gräber von Pharaonen und Adeligen gefunden. Neben dem Abbild von Gesicht und Körper wurden auch die offiziellen Namen und Titel der Könige in das Grab geritzt. Zwischen der 18. und 20. Dynastie mieden die Könige die Region um Memphis und errichteten ihre Grabstätten in Theben.

    Cameras and video cameras may be used during your visit but are not permitted inside the tombs. Mobile cameras are allowed and free of charge during the visit inside the tombs.

    HINWEIS: There are a series of steps (up to approximately 20 steps per chamber) to go down into the various tombs and the ground surrounding the tombs is uneven and dusty. It is also extremely hot here.

    Continuing on, enjoy a photo stop at the Hatshepsut Temple, whose unique design features a series of grand terraces extending up a cliff with rows of square granite columns blending in with the mountainside.

    Von hier aus geht es weiter zu einem Besuch von Medinet Habu. Der Tempel wurde von Ramses III. erbaut und ist einer der interessantesten Totentempel des Westufers. Die Reliefs zu beiden Seiten des Durchgangs stellen in blutigen Details die Siege Ramses III. über einige besiegte Völker dar mit 86 Gefangenen daneben. Der Text auf der Nordseite handelt vom Sieg des Königs über die Libyer.

    Nach dem Besuch von Medinet Habu wird bei den Memnonkolossen ein Stopp zum Fotografieren eingelegt. Die gigantischen Statuen waren ursprünglich Wächterfiguren vor den Pylonen des Eingangs zu einem Totentempel in Theben. Das Einzige, was heute davon übrig ist, sind die fast 75 Fuß hohen und ca. 1.000 Tonnen schweren Statuen des Amenhotep III. Obwohl durch Natureinflüsse und frühere Touristen stark beschädigt, sind die Statuen auch heute noch äußerst beeindruckend. Cameras and video cameras are permitted inside Habu Temple free-of-charge.

    Enjoy a buffet lunch back at your hotel before you depart for the 3.5-hour drive back to Safaga to re-embark the ship.

    Landprogramm – Schritt für Schritt:

    Hinweis: Die Reihenfolge der besuchten Sehenswürdigkeiten kann abweichen, um Verkehrsstaus zu vermeiden. All program details including timings and any flights indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change. Sound and light timing varies depending on week days. Endgültige Reiserouten mit den aktuellsten Details erhalten Sie vom Destination Services Team an Bord des Schiffs. Bitte sehen Sie sich Ihre finale Reiseroute genau an, falls weitere Änderungen vorgenommen wurden.

    Tag 1

    08:30 Uhr Disembark the ship in Safaga

    08:45 Uhr Proceed to the port terminal for security screening

    09:00 Uhr Depart for the drive to Luxor. The drive is approximately 3.5 hours

    Restrooms are available on the bus. No comfort stop is scheduled

    12:30 Uhr Buffet lunch at a deluxe hotel

    13:30 Uhr Proceed to Karnak Temple

    13:45 Uhr Visit Karnak Temple

    15:30 Uhr Proceed to Luxor Temple

    15:45 Uhr Visit Luxor Temple

    16:45 Uhr Proceed to your hotel for check in

    17:00 Uhr Check in

    Optional: shopping with your guide for an hour

    19:30 Uhr Proceed to Karnak Temple

    20:00 Uhr English sound and Light show

    21:00 Uhr Drive back to the hotel

    21:30 Uhr Buffet dinner is served

    Buffet dinner will be served from 19:30 Uhr to 22:30 Uhr for those who opt out of sound and light show

    Overnight in Luxor

    Tag 2

    06:30 Uhr Buffet breakfast at the hotel

    07:30 Uhr Cross the Nile to the west bank

    08:15 Uhr Visit the Valley of the Kings including three Tombs

    09:45 Uhr Proceed to Hatshepsut Temple

    10:00 Uhr Photo stop at Hatshepsut Temple

    10:10 Uhr Proceed to Habu Temple

    10:15 Uhr Visit Habu temple

    11:00 Uhr Proceed to Colossi of Memnon

    11:05 Uhr Photo stop at Colossi of Memnon

    11:10 Uhr Back to your hotel

    11:45 Uhr Lunch & check out

    01:00 Uhr Drive back to Safaga. The drive is approximately 3.5 hours

    Restrooms are available on the bus. No comfort stop is scheduled

    16:30 Uhr Arrive back in Safaga and rejoin the ship

    Voraussichtliches Wetter:

    Temperatures in Luxor average about 24 degrees C

    Was Sie mitbringen sollten:

    Comfortable clothing, good walking shoes, camera, hat, sunscreen


    Egyptian Pound but USD are widely accepted


    220- 240 V - Adaptors are not available at hotels, please make sure to bring your own should you require one


    Carry on suggested for one-night stay

    Erforderliche Papiere und Visa:

    Passports must be brought with you on the program

    Visas are not required for US, EU and Canadian Citizens

    Please check your local Egyptian Embassy for any further information for your nationality

    Anschriften der Hotels:

    Steigenberger Achti Luxor Hotel

    Luxor Governorate

    Telefon: +20 100 447 0503

    * Eine Änderung der Hotels findet nur in unvorhergesehenen Fällen statt. Sollte ein Wechsel in ein vergleichbares Hotel notwendig sein, können Sie dieselbe Bewertung und denselben Standard erwarten. If you are not notified of any changes before your sailing, then you will be staying at the hotel listed in the program.

    Das Programm für die Gäste enthält:

    •1 night at Steigenberger Achti hotel or similar – (Nile View Room)

    •One breakfast, two lunches and one dinner

    •Bottled water, tea, coffee, one soda or one bottle of beer/one glass of local wine with meals

    •Entrance fees of all mentioned sites

    •Private English-speaking guide from Safaga port and back

    Nicht im Programm für die Gäste enthalten:

    •Any meals or drinks not listed above

    • Trinkgelder für Fahrer und Fremdenführer

    • Persönliche Ausgaben

    •Hotel incidentals including room service and mini bar

    Hinweis: Mehrtägige Landausflüge umfassen in der Regel ausgedehnte und längere Unternehmungen, während kürzere Ausflüge ein moderateres Programm bieten. Alle Programme sind jedoch verschieden, und die Teilnehmer sollten sich auf unterschiedlichen Untergrund einstellen, z. B.: Steigungen, Kopfsteinpflaster, Sand, Kies oder naturbelassene Wege. Gelegentlich wird auch Treppensteigen verlangt. Rollstuhlfahrer und Gäste mit eingeschränkter Mobilität wenden sich bitte im Voraus an die Kreuzfahrtgesellschaft und erkundigen sich, ob die gewünschten Ausflüge ganz oder nur teilweise für ihre individuelle Situation geeignet sind. Weather appropriate clothing, hats, sunglasses, and flat comfortable walking shoes are generally recommended.

    Alle Programme an Land sind beschränkt und gelten vorbehaltlich der Verfügbarkeit. Programme, bei denen nicht die Mindestanzahl an erforderlichen Teilnehmern erreicht wird, können gestrichen werden. Die aufgelisteten Preise unterliegen Änderungen aufgrund von unerwartet eintretenden Kostensteigerungen für Transport, Landprogramme und Währungsschwankungen. Einmal erworben, ist der Preis garantiert und unterliegt keinen weiteren Änderungen. Überlandprogramme während der Kreuzfahrt sind spätestens 60 Tage vor dem Start der Kreuzfahrt zu buchen. Stornierungen, die 60 Tage oder weniger vor dem Abfahrtsdatum erfolgen, unterliegen einer Stornogebühr von 100 %.


    Entdecken Sie auf dieser unvergesslichen Reise nach Luxor die geheimnisvolle Schönheit der antiken ägyptischen Tempel und Grabanlagen. Along the way, you will visit the Karnak, Luxor and Hatshepsut Temples, Colossi of Memnon and both the Valley of the Kings and the Queens.

    Tag 1

    Upon disembarking the ship in Safaga, you will be met and depart for the 3.5-hours’ drive to Luxor.

    Upon arrival you will enjoy lunch then visit the Karnak temple.

    Located about two miles north of the Luxor Temple, but connected to it by an impressive avenue of sphinxes, the Karnak Temple was the most important sanctuary of ancient Egypt, and the heart of the cult of the god Amon. Über die folgenden 2.000 Jahre fügte jeder Pharao seinen eigenen Teil dem Tempel hinzu.

    Der erste Pylon, den Sie sehen werden, wurde von den Ptolemäern aufgestellt. Past the second pylon, which is guarded by a pair of huge statues of Ramses II, you will find the great hypo-style hall, the largest hall of any temple in the world. It spans 50,000 square feet and contains 134 enormous columns. You may notice that some of the columns still have traces of the brilliant paint that originally covered them. The third pylon leads to the centre court, and past the fourth pylon is the 97-foot-high obelisk of Queen Hatshepsut, carved from a solid piece of pink granite.

    Wenn Sie die folgenden Pylone und Tempelhöfe besichtigen, unternehmen Sie eine Reise rückwärts durch die Zeit, bis Sie schließlich den ältesten Teil des Tempels erreichen. Er wurde von den Pharaonen des Mittleren Reichs um 2000 v. Chr gebaut. Am südlichen Ende des Tempels liegt der heilige See, wo Zeremonienboote zur Huldigung des Gottes Amun eingesetzt wurden.

    HINWEIS: Cameras and video cameras are permitted inside the Karnak Temple free of charge.

    Following Karnak Temple visit you will visit the Luxor Temple, which was originally built during the reign of Amenophis the III and then expanded by Ramses II, who added a statue of himself and two obelisks.

    Today, only one of the statues remains at the Luxor Temple; Mohamed Ali gave the other one to Louis Philippe in 1831 and it is displayed at the Concorde in Paris. After Alexander the Great rebuilt the sanctuary in the 4th century B.C., the Romans subsequently rebuilt portions of it, and then the Muslims built a mosque in the temple.

    HINWEIS: Cameras and video cameras are permitted inside Luxor Temple free-of-charge.

    Transfer to your hotel for check in before departing for a visit to the Luxor Museum.

    This marvelous museum overlooks the west bank of the Nile River and has an amazing collection of ancient artifacts. Displays range from magnificent pharaonic art to items used in everyday life, such as pottery and jewelry, including a carefully selected assortment of items from the Theban temples and necropolis.

    Back to your hotel, enjoy a buffet dinner before retiring for the evening.

    TAG 2

    Following a morning buffet breakfast, you will cross over the Nile to the West Bank to visit the Valley of the Kings, hidden in the foothills of the Gourma Mountains. More than 60 tombs of pharaohs and noblemen have been excavated in this valley. Neben dem Abbild von Gesicht und Körper wurden auch die offiziellen Namen und Titel der Könige in das Grab geritzt. Zwischen der 18. und 20. Dynastie mieden die Könige die Region um Memphis und errichteten ihre Grabstätten in Theben.

    Enjoy a special visit to the longest and one of the most beautiful tombs in the valley known as Seti I Tomb. It is still recognized as an elaborately decorated monument from the times of Seti I and his son, Ramesses II.

    The most fascinating aspects of the tomb are the well-crafted decorations that brought antiquity to vivid life.

    Next you will visit King Tutankhamun's tomb where his mummy still rests, and if time permits, you may be able to have a look into one or two other tombs in the area.

    HINWEIS: Mobile cameras, regular cameras and video cameras are not permitted inside Seti 1st & King Tut tombs.

    Mobile cameras are allowed and free of charge inside other valley tombs.

    Continuing on, enjoy a photo stop at the Hatshepsut Temple, whose unique design features a series of grand terraces extending up a cliff with rows of square granite columns blending in with the mountainside.

    From here, you will proceed for a visit to Valley of the Queens where you will be visiting Queen Nefertari’s Tomb known for its lavish decoration and colors – it is one of the largest and most spectacular in the Valley of the Queens. Nefertari Meritmut, was an Egyptian queen and the first of the great royal wife’s (or principal wife) of Ramses the great. The number of visitors here per day is limited and prior permission to visit must be requested.

    This has been specially arranged for our group.

    HINWEIS: There are a series of steps (up to 20 steps per chamber) to go down into the various tombs and the ground surrounding the tombs is uneven and dusty. It is also extremely hot here.

    Mobile cameras, regular cameras and video cameras are not permitted inside Nefertari tomb.

    Next, a photo stop will be made at the Colossi of Memnon. This structure was originally built as a mortuary temple in Thebes and guarded by two gigantic statues on the outer gates. Das Einzige, was heute davon übrig ist, sind die fast 75 Fuß hohen und ca. 1.000 Tonnen schweren Statuen des Amenhotep III. Obwohl durch Natureinflüsse und frühere Touristen stark beschädigt, sind die Statuen auch heute noch äußerst beeindruckend.

    Finally, you will embark on a Dahabeya boat for a cruise along the Nile including lunch. Arriving at your hotel, you will check-out and depart for the 3.5-hours’ drive back to Safaga. Upon arrival, you will proceed directly to the pier and re-embark the ship.

    Landprogramm – Schritt für Schritt:

    Hinweis: Die Reihenfolge der besuchten Sehenswürdigkeiten kann abweichen, um Verkehrsstaus zu vermeiden. All program details including timings and any flights indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change. Endgültige Reiserouten mit den aktuellsten Details erhalten Sie vom Destination Services Team an Bord des Schiffs. Bitte sehen Sie sich Ihre finale Reiseroute genau an, falls weitere Änderungen vorgenommen wurden.

    NOTE below times are approximate and may change slightly depending on your ship's arrival and departure time.

    Tag 1

    08:45 Uhr Disembark the ship in Safaga

    Proceed to the port terminal for security screening

    09:00 Uhr Depart for the drive to Luxor. The drive is approximately 3.5 hours. Restrooms are available on the bus. Es wird ohne Zwischenhalt gefahren.

    12:30 Uhr Buffet lunch at a deluxe hotel.

    13:30 Uhr Proceed to Karnak temple

    13:45 Uhr Visit Karnak Temple

    15:30 Uhr Proceed to Luxor temple

    15:45 Uhr Visit Luxor Temple

    16:45 Uhr Proceed to your hotel for check in

    17:00 Uhr Check in.

    Optional: shopping with your guide for an hour

    18:45 Uhr Proceed to the Luxor Museum

    19:00 Uhr Visit the Luxor Museum

    20:00 Uhr Drive back to the hotel

    20:15 Uhr Buffet dinner is served.

    Buffet dinner will be served from 19:00 Uhr to 22:00 Uhr for those who opt out of the museum visit

    Overnight in Luxor

    Tag 2

    6:00 Uhr Frühstücksbuffet im Hotel

    07:00 Uhr Cross the Nile to the west bank

    07:45 Uhr Visit the Valley of the Kings including Seti I Tomb and King Tut’s Tomb

    09:45 Uhr Proceed to Hatshepsut temple

    10:00 Uhr Photo stop at Hatshepsut temple

    10:10 Uhr Proceed to the Valley of the Queens

    10:15 Uhr Visit Nefertari’s Tomb

    11:00 Uhr Proceed to Colossi of Memnon

    11:05 Uhr Photo stop at Colossi of Memnon

    11:10 Uhr Proceed to the cruise boat

    11:30 Uhr Lunch on the Nile boat cruise

    12:30 Uhr Arrive at your hotel and check out

    13:00 Uhr Drive back to Safaga. The drive is approximately 3.5 hours.

    Restrooms are available on the bus. Es wird ohne Zwischenhalt gefahren.

    16:30 Uhr Arrive back in Safaga and rejoin the ship

    Voraussichtliches Wetter:

    24 degrees C / 75 degrees F

    Was Sie mitbringen sollten:

    Comfortable clothing, good walking shoes, camera, hat, sunscreen


    Egyptian Pound but USD are widely accepted


    220- 240 V - Adaptors are not available at hotels, please make sure to bring your own should you require one

    Luggage information:

    Carry on suggested for one-night stay

    Erforderliche Papiere und Visa:

    Passports are required to brought with you on this trip

    At this time, Visas are not required for US, EU and Canadian citizens however you should check with your local Egyptian Embassy for further or updated information for your nationality prior to travel

    Anschriften der Hotels:

    Sonesta St. George Hotel Luxor

    Gazirat Al Awameyah, Luxor Governorate

    Telefon: +2095 238 2575

    * Eine Änderung der Hotels findet nur in unvorhergesehenen Fällen statt. If similar hotels are required they will be of equal ratings and standards and you will be notified of the change. If you are not notified of any changes before your departure then you will be staying at the hotel listed in this program.

    Das Programm für die Gäste enthält:

    •1 night at Sonesta St. George Hotel Luxor or similar - (Royal club floor – Side Nile View Room)

    •One breakfast, two lunches and one dinner

    •Bottled water, tea, coffee, one soda or one bottle of beer/one glass of local wine with meals

    •Entrance fees of all mentioned sites

    •English-speaking guide from Safaga port and back

    Nicht im Programm für die Gäste enthalten:

    •Any meals or drinks not listed above

    • Trinkgelder für Fahrer und Fremdenführer

    • Persönliche Ausgaben

    •Hotel incidentals including room service and mini bar

    Hinweis: Mehrtägige Landausflüge umfassen in der Regel ausgedehnte und längere Unternehmungen, während kürzere Ausflüge ein moderateres Programm bieten. Alle Programme sind jedoch verschieden, und die Teilnehmer sollten sich auf unterschiedlichen Untergrund einstellen, z. B.: Steigungen, Kopfsteinpflaster, Sand, Kies oder naturbelassene Wege. Gelegentlich wird auch Treppensteigen verlangt. Rollstuhlfahrer und Gäste mit eingeschränkter Mobilität wenden sich bitte im Voraus an die Kreuzfahrtgesellschaft und erkundigen sich, ob die gewünschten Ausflüge ganz oder nur teilweise für ihre individuelle Situation geeignet sind. Dem Wetter angemessene Kleidung, Kopfbedeckung, Sonnenbrille und flache, bequeme Wanderschuhe werden generell empfohlen.

    Alle Programme an Land sind beschränkt und gelten vorbehaltlich der Verfügbarkeit. Programme, bei denen nicht die Mindestanzahl an erforderlichen Teilnehmern erreicht wird, können gestrichen werden. Die aufgelisteten Preise unterliegen Änderungen aufgrund von unerwartet eintretenden Kostensteigerungen für Transport, Landprogramme und Währungsschwankungen. Einmal erworben, ist der Preis garantiert und unterliegt keinen weiteren Änderungen. Überlandprogramme während der Kreuzfahrt sind spätestens 60 Tage vor dem Start der Kreuzfahrt zu buchen. Stornierungen, die 60 Tage oder weniger vor dem Abfahrtsdatum erfolgen, unterliegen einer Stornogebühr von 100 %.

Zum Seitenanfang