Das an der Nordküste Dalmatiens gelegene Zadar ist einer der historisch bedeutsamsten Orte Kroatiens. Die im Laufe der Zeit von Römern, Ostgoten und Byzantinern regierte Stadt war für den Handel und die Seefahrt von ähnlicher Bedeutung wie Venedig. In heutiger Zeit locken die Geschichte, Kultur und Architektur Zadars Besucher aus aller Welt an. Besonders sehenswert ist zudem der Nationalpark Plitvicer Seen, ein Weltnaturerbe der UNESCO.

Hafen: Zadar


All programs below may not be available on every sailing.

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    Visit an ancient cathedral and Emperor Diocletian’s 4th-century palace in Split before taking the ferry to the island of Hvar to spend a delightful evening and enjoy the spirited nightlife should you so desire.

    Hinweis: This program includes walking over cobbled or uneven surfaces in the historic city centers. It is not recommended for guests with mobility restrictions.

    TAG 1

    Disembark in the port of Gaženica and head towards the historic city of Split.

    Upon arrival in Split, you'll embark on a guided walking tour of the city center. This tour includes an inside visit to the remarkable Diocletian Palace, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and the Cathedral of St. Dominius.

    Following the guided tour, you'll have some free time to explore the city center of Split at your leisure. This is a great opportunity to soak in the local atmosphere, browse shops, or simply relax in one of the city's charming cafes.

    For lunch, you'll be treated to a delightful meal at the Restaurant “Bajamonti” located in the heart of Split City center. This restaurant is known for its excellent cuisine and offers a perfect setting to enjoy local flavors.

    In the afternoon, you'll take a ferry ride from Split to Stari Grad on the island of Hvar. This journey across the Adriatic Sea is not only a means of transport but also a chance to enjoy the beautiful coastal scenery.

    Upon arrival in Stari Grad, you'll enjoy a scenic bus drive to the town of Hvar. This drive offers picturesque views of the island and its surroundings.

    Your day concludes with a check-in at the luxurious Hotel Palace Elisabeth or similar. For those who prefer, there is also an option to spend some leisure time in Hvar before retiring for the night. The Hotel Palace Elisabeth, with its elegant ambiance and top-notch facilities, promises a comfortable and relaxing stay.

    But for those who like to stay out late, Hvar is known for its incredible nightlife attracting thousands during the peak summer months. Here you’ll find everything from fashionable beach clubs to trendy cocktail barss so there's no shortage of venues that stay open into the early hours.

    TAG 2

    Begin your day with a delightful breakfast at your hotel, setting the tone for a day of leisure and exploration. After breakfast, enjoy some free time in the charming town of Hvar. This is the perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture, explore the scenic streets, or simply relax. Please note that an early lunch is available but will be at your own expense.

    Later, we will gather for a comfortable minibus ride from Hvar to Stari Grad. This journey offers a chance to witness the beautiful landscapes of the island.

    Next, embark on a scenic ferry ride from Stari Grad to Split. This ferry journey is not just a means of transportation but a chance to enjoy stunning views of the Adriatic Sea and the surrounding islands.

    Upon arrival in Split, we will continue our journey with a scenic bus drive back to the port of Gaženica. This drive is an excellent opportunity to see more of the picturesque Croatian countryside and coastline. We'll take a brief comfort break along the way to ensure your journey is as pleasant as possible.

    The day concludes with the re-embarkation on the RSS Voyager in the port of Gaženica, located in Zadar. This marks the end of a day filled with beautiful sights, cultural experiences, and relaxing travel.

    Landprogramm – Schritt für Schritt:

    Hinweis: Die Reihenfolge der besuchten Sehenswürdigkeiten kann abweichen, um Verkehrsstaus zu vermeiden. All program details including timings indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change. Direktflüge können nicht garantiert werden. Endgültige Reiserouten mit den aktuellsten Details erhalten Sie vom Destination Services Team an Bord des Schiffs. Bitte sehen Sie sich Ihre finale Reiseroute genau an, falls weitere Änderungen vorgenommen wurden.

    TAG 1

    08:30 Uhr Disembark in the port of Gaženica (for Zadar) and proceed to Split

    09:45 Uhr Guided walking tour of Split City center

    Inside visit to the Diocletian Palace and the Cathedral of St. Dominius

    11:15 Uhr Time at leisure in Split City center

    12:15 Uhr Lunch at the Restaurant “Bajamonti” in Split City center

    14:30 Uhr Ferry ride from Split towards Stari Grad (island Hvar)

    16:30 Uhr Arrival to Stari Grad on island of Hvar and scenic bus drive towards town Hvar

    17:15 Uhr Check-in at your hotel

    Evening at leisure in Hvar

    Overnight at the hotel Palace Elisabeth or similar

    TAG 2

    07:00 Uhr Breakfast at your hotel

    08:00 Uhr Morning at leisure in Hvar (early lunch on own)

    13:00 Uhr Drive from Hvar towards Stari Grad

    14:30 Uhr Ferry ride from Stari Grad towards Split

    16:30 Uhr Arrival to Split and scenic bus drive back to the port of Gaženica with comfort break along the way

    18:30 Uhr Re-board the ship in Zadar

    Voraussichtliches Wetter:

    The temperature reaches around 19? / 66.2°F during the daytime in October, falling away to 14? 57.2°F at night.

    Was Sie mitbringen sollten:

    Weather in October can be variable, so layered clothing is ideal. Include lightweight, breathable items that can be easily added or removed. A light, waterproof jacket is suggested for unexpected rain showers, especially when visiting waterfalls. Durable, comfortable walking or hiking shoes with good grip for navigating different terrains, such as cobblestones, trails, and natural paths. A hat for sun protection and sunglasses for bright days. Long Pants and Long-Sleeved Shirts, to protect against sun exposure and insects, especially in natural park areas.



    Please note that USD is not widely accepted in Croatia. However, currency exchange offices are readily available for your convenience.


    The electric energy system in Croatia is the same as in the rest of Europe. All installations emit an alternating current of 220V/50Hz, and the sockets used are type F (so-called “Schuko” sockets). We recommend bringing your own universal travel adaptor for electric devices.

    Erforderliche Papiere und Visa:

    A passport that is valid at least 6 months after travel is required

    Please check with your local embassy for any visa requirements for your nationality for Croatia

    If traveling internationally, the countries you are flying to and/ or connecting through may have different document requirements and as such we encourage you to visit the government and airport websites of every country you will be traveling to throughout the journey to familiarize yourself with their requirements.

    Anschriften der Hotels:

    Name: Palace Elisabeth Hotel

    Anschrift: Trg Sv. Stjepana 5, 21450 Hvar, Croatia

    Telefon: +385 (0)21 750 400

    * Eine Änderung der Hotels findet nur in unvorhergesehenen Fällen statt. Sollte ein Wechsel in ein vergleichbares Hotel notwendig sein, können Sie dieselbe Bewertung und denselben Standard erwarten. Sie werden außerdem über diesen Wechsel informiert. Sollten Sie vor Abreise nicht über Änderungen informiert werden, findet die Übernachtung in dem Hotel statt, das im Programm aufgeführt ist.

    Das Programm für die Gäste enthält:

    •1 night at the Palace Elisabeth Hotel (subject to change) – Premium Seaview Room


    •Licensed English-speaking guide during the 2-day overland tour

    •Entrance fees to the Diocletian Palace and the Cathedral of St. Dominius (Split)

    •3-course lunch with drinks at the Restaurant Bajamonti on Day 1

    Nicht im Programm für die Gäste enthalten:

    • Trinkgelder für Fahrer und Fremdenführer

    • Sonstige Ausgaben im Hotel, einschließlich Minibar und Zimmerservice

    •Lunch on Day 2

    Hinweis: Mehrtägige Landausflüge umfassen in der Regel ausgedehnte und längere Unternehmungen, während kürzere Ausflüge ein moderateres Programm bieten. Alle Programme sind jedoch verschieden, und die Teilnehmer sollten sich auf unterschiedlichen Untergrund einstellen, z. B.: Steigungen, Kopfsteinpflaster, Sand, Kies oder naturbelassene Wege. Gelegentlich wird auch Treppensteigen verlangt. Rollstuhlfahrer und Gäste mit eingeschränkter Mobilität wenden sich bitte im Voraus an die Kreuzfahrtgesellschaft und erkundigen sich, ob die gewünschten Ausflüge ganz oder nur teilweise für ihre individuelle Situation geeignet sind. Dem Wetter angemessene Kleidung, Kopfbedeckung, Sonnenbrille und flache, bequeme Wanderschuhe werden generell empfohlen.

    Alle Programme an Land sind beschränkt und gelten vorbehaltlich der Verfügbarkeit. Programme, bei denen nicht die Mindestanzahl an erforderlichen Teilnehmern erreicht wird, können gestrichen werden. Die aufgelisteten Preise unterliegen Änderungen aufgrund von unerwartet eintretenden Kostensteigerungen für Transport, Landprogramme und Währungsschwankungen.

    Einmal erworben, ist der Preis garantiert und unterliegt keinen weiteren Änderungen. Überlandprogramme während der Kreuzfahrt sind spätestens 60 Tage vor dem Start der Kreuzfahrt zu buchen. Stornierungen, die 60 Tage oder weniger vor dem Abfahrtsdatum erfolgen, unterliegen einer Stornogebühr von 100 %.


    Embark on an enchanting journey through the Balkans, exploring the rich tapestry of history, architecture, culture, and cuisine across Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, and Montenegro. This tour offers a perfect blend of historical exploration, scenic beauty, and authentic local experiences.

    Hinweis: This program includes walking for extended periods, at times over cobbled and uneven ground in the historic areas. This program is not recommended for guests who require the use of cane, walker or wheelchair.

    TAG 1

    Disembark the ship In the ancient city of Zadar where you'll first explore the Church of St. Donatus, a striking example of Byzantine architecture. This 9th-century circular church, with its unique shape, stands as a testament to Zadar's rich past. The Cathedral of St. Anastasia, the largest church in Dalmatia, captivates with its stunning Romanesque architecture and houses sacred relics, offering a glimpse into the spiritual heritage of Zadar.

    Your journey through time continues at the Museum of Gold & Silver, nestled within the Benedictine Convent of St. Mary. Discover an awe-inspiring collection of religious art, predominantly crafted in gold and silver, reflecting the city's deep-rooted religious and artistic traditions.

    Next, you'll journey to the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Šibenik, where the architectural marvel of St. Jacob’s Cathedral awaits. This cathedral is a masterpiece of Renaissance architecture, known for its beautiful façade, intricate stone sculptures, and unique construction entirely in stone. Wander through the charming streets of Šibenik, soaking in the city's rich history and culture.

    Your exploration leads you to the picturesque town of Trogir, another UNESCO-listed gem. Here, you'll be enchanted by the Cathedral of St. Lawrence, a marvel of Romanesque and Gothic architecture. Stroll through Trogir's narrow, winding streets, where history is palpable, with beautifully preserved buildings and a rich tapestry of over 2.300 years.

    As the day concludes, you'll arrive in the vibrant city of Split.

    Check into the charming Hotel Cornaro or similar, where luxury and comfort await. Refresh and unwind before enjoying a sumptuous dinner at the hotel, where a blend of local and international cuisine provides a delightful culinary experience.

    TAG 2

    Following breakfast, your day begins with a guided walking tour of Split's city center, where you'll step back in time within the walls of the remarkable Diocletian's Palace, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This ancient palace, built for the Roman Emperor Diocletian at the turn of the fourth century AD, is a testament to Roman architectural ingenuity and grandeur. As you wander through its storied halls and courtyards, you'll feel the weight of history in its ancient stones.

    Adjacent to the palace, you'll visit the Cathedral of St. Domnius, originally Diocletian's mausoleum. This cathedral is a striking example of Romanesque architecture, with elements that narrate the transition from the Roman Empire to the Middle Ages. The cathedral's bell tower offers breathtaking views of Split, a perfect blend of ancient and modern urban landscapes.

    After soaking in the city's rich history and enjoying some leisure time, prepare for a scenic drive towards the enchanting city of Sarajevo. En route, indulge in a delightful lunch at a carefully selected restaurant, offering a taste of local cuisine and a chance to relax amidst your journey.

    As you cross the border into Bosnia & Herzegovina, witness the landscape's transformation, a prelude to the unique cultural tapestry of Sarajevo.

    Arriving in the late afternoon, check in at the Swissotel Sarajevo or similar, a haven of luxury and comfort. This hotel, with its elegant ambiance and top-notch amenities, is the perfect place to unwind after a day of exploration and to prepare for another day of adventure in this city where history and cultures converge. Your tour tomorrow promises a journey filled with historical insights, scenic beauty, and a deep dive into the cultural crossroads of the Balkans.

    TAG 3

    After breakfast, dive into the rich tapestry of Sarajevo's history with a guided walking tour of the city center. This moderate-level tour takes you through the vibrant streets, where every corner tells a story of Sarajevo's diverse cultural heritage and tumultuous past.

    As the morning unfolds, embark on a scenic bus drive from Sarajevo to Mostar. This journey through the heart of Bosnia & Herzegovina offers picturesque views and a glimpse into the country's stunning natural landscapes.

    Arrive in Mostar around lunchtime and enjoy a meal at the charming restaurant Hindin Han. Nestled in the heart of the city, this restaurant offers a taste of traditional Bosnian cuisine, set against the backdrop of Mostar's unique architectural beauty.

    In the afternoon, continue your exploration with a guided walking tour of Mostar's city center. This tour includes visits to the Turkish house and Mosque, both UNESCO World Heritage Sites, showcasing the rich history and cultural fusion that Mostar is known for. The iconic Stari Most (Old Bridge) is a highlight, symbolizing the bridge between cultures and epochs.

    After the tour, enjoy some leisure time in Mostar's Old Town. Wander through the cobbled streets, browse local shops, and soak in the atmosphere of this historic city, where the legacy of the Ottoman Empire blends seamlessly with modern-day life.

    As the evening sets in, check in at the Hotel Kriva Cuprija or similar, a charming accommodation that reflects Mostar's traditional style and hospitality. Conclude your day with a relaxing dinner at the hotel, offering a perfect blend of local flavors and a cozy ambiance.

    Your day ends with an overnight stay, providing a peaceful retreat after a day filled with cultural discoveries and historical insights.

    TAG 4

    After breakfast, embark on a scenic drive from Mostar towards the historic walled town of Ston, located in Croatia. This journey offers picturesque views and a transition from the unique ambiance of Mostar to the distinct charm of the Dalmatian coast.

    Upon arrival in Ston, you'll be treated to a guided walking tour of this fortified town, known for its lengthy medieval walls, which are often referred to as the "European Wall of China." These impressive fortifications, dating back to the 14th century, were built to protect the valuable salt pans that contribute to Ston's economic and historical significance.

    As you stroll through Ston, you'll feel as if you've stepped back in time, with its well-preserved architecture and ancient ambiance.

    Next, a short bus drive takes you to the nearby village of Mali Ston, famous for its oyster and mussel farms. Here, you'll embark on a traditional wooden boat for a unique experience – a visit to an oyster and mussel farm. This excursion not only offers insight into the local aquaculture but also includes a tasting onboard, allowing you to savor the fresh, exquisite flavors of the Adriatic Sea.

    Following this aquatic adventure, enjoy a delightful lunch at the Restaurant Bota Šare in Mali Ston. This restaurant is renowned for its local cuisine, offering dishes that perfectly capture the essence of the region's culinary traditions.

    In the afternoon, continue your journey with a scenic bus drive towards the magnificent city of Dubrovnik.

    Upon arrival, you'll be immersed in the rich history and stunning beauty of Dubrovnik's Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Your guided walking tour includes a visit to the city's majestic Cathedral, a testament to Dubrovnik's historical and cultural significance. The tour also features a cable car ride up to Srd Hill, providing breathtaking panoramic views of Dubrovnik and the surrounding Adriatic Sea – a truly unforgettable experience.

    After the tour, enjoy some leisure time exploring the charming streets of Dubrovnik's Old Town, where history comes alive around every corner.

    In the evening, check in at the luxurious Hotel Hilton Dubrovnik or similar, where comfort and elegance await.

    Conclude your day with a sumptuous dinner at the Restaurant Posat, known for its exquisite cuisine and inviting ambiance. Here, you can reflect on the day's adventures while enjoying a meal that perfectly complements the experience.

    TAG 5

    Embark on one last tour filled with scenic beauty, cultural exploration, and culinary delights, starting with a breakfast at your hotel. Your journey then takes you on a scenic drive to the picturesque town of Cavtat, a hidden gem on the Adriatic coast. Here, enjoy an outside sightseeing tour where the serene ambiance, stunning seaside views, and charming architecture provide a peaceful escape. Take some time to leisurely explore the quaint streets, waterfront promenades, and local art galleries, immersing yourself in the town's tranquil beauty.

    The adventure continues with a short bus drive to the renowned Winery Crvik, a family-owned gem nestled in the heart of the Konavle valley. Here, you'll delve into the world of Croatian winemaking, discovering the rich flavors and traditions that make this region's wines so unique. The winery visit includes a tasting session, allowing you to sample a selection of their finest wines, each telling a story of the local terroir and winemaking heritage.

    Next, journey to the Šapro Family Mill & Estate, where you'll be greeted with the warmth of traditional Croatian hospitality. Explore the estate, learning about its history and the family's dedication to preserving local culinary and agricultural practices. The visit is followed by a delightful lunch, featuring dishes made with fresh, locally-sourced ingredients, offering a true taste of the region's culinary delights.

    In the afternoon, prepare for a scenic drive towards Kotor, crossing the border into Montenegro. The drive itself is a journey through stunning landscapes, leading you to the UNESCO-listed Old Town of Kotor. Upon arrival, a guided walking tour awaits, taking you through the cobbled streets and historic squares of this medieval town. The tour includes visits to the St. Tryphon’s Cathedral and the Maritime Museum, offering a moderate level of exploration and a deep dive into Kotor's rich maritime history.

    Conclude your day in the port of Kotor, carrying with you the memories of a trip filled with scenic views, cultural insights, and gastronomic experiences across of these remarkable region and counties.

    Landprogramm – Schritt für Schritt:

    Hinweis: Die Reihenfolge der besuchten Sehenswürdigkeiten kann abweichen, um Verkehrsstaus zu vermeiden. All program details including timings indicated below are approximate, given here for general reference purposes and subject to change. Direktflüge können nicht garantiert werden. Endgültige Reiserouten mit den aktuellsten Details erhalten Sie vom Destination Services Team an Bord des Schiffs. Bitte sehen Sie sich Ihre finale Reiseroute genau an, falls weitere Änderungen vorgenommen wurden.

    TAG 1

    08:00 Uhr Disembark in the port of Gaženica (for Zadar) and proceed to the city center

    08:15 Uhr Guided Walking tour of Zadar

    Inside visit of Church of St. Donatus, the Cathedral, Museum of Gold & Silver

    10:15 Uhr Scenic bus drive to Šibenik

    11:15 Uhr Sightseeing tour of Šibenik

    Inside visit of the St. Jacob’s Cathedral and time at leisure

    12:55 Uhr Walk to the restaurant Mlin Montanari or similar venue

    13:00 Uhr Lunch

    15:00 Uhr Scenic bus drive from Šibenik towards Trogir

    16:00 Uhr Guided walking tour of Trogir

    Inside visit of the Cathedral of St. Lawrence and time at leisure

    17:45 Uhr Drive from Trogir towards Split City center

    19:00 Uhr Arrival to Split and check in at your hotel

    20:00 Uhr Dinner at your hotel

    Overnight at the Hotel Cornaro or similar hotel

    TAG 2

    07:00 Uhr Breakfast at your hotel

    08:00 Uhr Guided walking tour of Split City center

    Inside visit to the Diocletian Palace and the Cathedral of St. Dominius and time at leisure

    11:15 Uhr Drive from Split towards Sarajevo with lunch en route

    Border crossing from Croatia to Bosnia & Herzegovina

    13:15 Uhr Approximate time for lunch

    17:30 Uhr Arrival to Sarajevo and check in at your hotel

    19:30 Uhr Dinner at your hotel

    Overnight at the Swissotel Sarajevo or similar hotel

    TAG 3

    07:00 Uhr Breakfast at your hotel

    08:15 Uhr Guided walking tour of Sarajevo City center

    11:00 Uhr Scenic bus drive from Sarajevo towards Mostar

    13:15 Uhr Arrival to Mostar and lunch at the restaurant Hindin Han or similar venue

    15:00 Uhr Guided walking tour of Mostar City center

    Inside visit to the Turkish house and Mosque

    16:30 Uhr Time at leisure in Mostar Old town

    18:00 Uhr Check-in to your hotel

    19:30 Uhr Dinner at your hotel

    Overnight at the hotel Kriva Cuprija or similar hotel

    TAG 4

    07:00 Uhr Breakfast at your hotel

    08:30 Uhr Scenic drive from Mostar towards the walled town Ston

    Border crossing between Bosnia & Herzegovina and Croatia

    10:30 Uhr Guided walking tour of Ston

    11:10 Uhr Short bus drive towards the village Mali Ston

    11:15 Uhr Arrival to Mali Ston, traditional wooden boat ride and visit to the oyster and mussel farm with tasting onboard the boat

    12:30 Uhr Lunch at the restaurant Bota Šare in Mali Ston or similar venue

    14:30 Uhr Scenic bus drive towards Dubrovnik

    15:45 Uhr Guided walking tour of Dubrovnik Old town

    Inside visit to the Cathedral, cable car ride up to Srd Hill

    17:45 Uhr Time at leisure in the Old town

    18:45 Uhr Check in at your hotel

    20:00 Uhr Dinner at the restaurant Posat or similar venue

    Overnight at the hotel Hilton Dubrovnik or similar hotel

    TAG 5

    07:00 Uhr Breakfast at your hotel

    08:45 Uhr Scenic drive from Dubrovnik toward the picturesque small town Cavtat

    09:30 Uhr Outside sightseeing tour of Cavtat and time at leisure

    10:30 Uhr Bus drive from Cavtat towards the Winery Crvik

    22:45 Uhr Visit of the Winery and wine tasting at the Winery Crvik

    23:30 Uhr Bus drive from the winery towards the Šapro Family Mill & Estate

    12:00 Uhr Visit of the Šapro Family Mill & Estate followed by lunch

    14:00 Uhr Drive from the Šapro Estate towards Kotor

    Border crossing between Croatia and Montenegro

    16:00 Uhr Arrival to Kotor and guided walking tour of the Kotor Old town

    Inside visit to the St. Tryphon’s Cathedral and the Maritime Museum

    17:30 Uhr Re-board the ship in the port of Kotor

    Voraussichtliches Wetter:

    The temperature reaches around 19? / 62°F during the daytime in October, falling away to 14?/ 57.2°F at night.

    Was Sie mitbringen sollten:

    Weather in October can be variable, so layered clothing is ideal. Include lightweight, breathable items that can be easily added or removed. A light, waterproof jacket is suggested for unexpected rain showers. Durable, comfortable walking or hiking shoes with good grip for navigating different terrains, such as cobblestones and natural paths. A hat for sun protection and sunglasses for bright days.



    Please note that USD are not widely accepted in Croatia. However, currency exchange offices are readily available for your convenience.


    The electric energy system in Croatia is the same as in the rest of Europe. All installations emit an alternating current of 220V/50Hz, and the sockets used are type F (so-called “Schuko” sockets). We recommend bringing your own universal travel adaptor for electric devices.

    Erforderliche Papiere und Visa:

    A passport that is valid at least 6 months after travel is required. It is mandatory for all participants to carry their valid passport throughout the duration of the tour to ensure smooth border crossings.

    Please check with your local embassy for any visa requirements for your nationality for entry to Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Montenegro.

    If traveling internationally, the countries you are connecting through may have different document requirements and as such we encourage you to visit the government and airport websites of every country you will be traveling to throughout the journey to familiarize yourself with their requirements.

    Anschriften der Hotels:

    Hotel Cornaro Split

    Anschrift: Sinjska ul. 6, 21000, Split, Croatia

    Telefon: +385 21 644 200

    Hotel Swissotel Sarajevo

    Anschrift: Vrbanja 1, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Telefon: +387 33 588 000

    Hotel Kriva Cuprija

    Anschrift: Onešcukova 23, 88000 Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Telefon: +387 36 360 360

    Hotel Hilton Dubrovnik

    Anschrift: Ul. Marijana Blažica 2, 20000 Dubrovnik, Croatia

    Telefon: +385 (0)20 320 320

    * Eine Änderung der Hotels findet nur in unvorhergesehenen Fällen statt. If similar hotels are required they will be of equal ratings and standards and you will be notified of the change. If you are not notified of any changes before your departure then you will be staying at the hotels listed in this program.

    Das Programm für die Gäste enthält:

    •1 night at the hotel Cornaro Split (subject to change) - Superior Double Room

    •1 night at the hotel Swissotel Sarajevo (subject to change)- Swiss Advantage Room

    •1 night at the hotel Kriva Cuprija (subject to change)- Standard Room

    •1 night at the hotel Hilton Dubrovnik (subject to change) – King Superior Room

    •Licensed English-speaking guide during the 4-day overland tour

    •Entrance fees per the itinerary sites visited

    •5 lunches with drinks

    •4 dinners with drinks

    •Boat ride, oysters & mussels tasting in the village Mali Ston on D4

    Nicht im Programm für die Gäste enthalten:

    • Trinkgelder für Fahrer und Fremdenführer

    •Hotel incidentals including mini bar, room service and laundry

    • Speisen oder Getränke, die oben nicht aufgeführt sind

    Hinweis: Mehrtägige Landausflüge umfassen in der Regel ausgedehnte und längere Unternehmungen, während kürzere Ausflüge ein moderateres Programm bieten. Alle Programme sind jedoch verschieden, und die Teilnehmer sollten sich auf unterschiedlichen Untergrund einstellen, z. B.: Steigungen, Kopfsteinpflaster, Sand, Kies oder naturbelassene Wege. Gelegentlich wird auch Treppensteigen verlangt. Rollstuhlfahrer und Gäste mit eingeschränkter Mobilität wenden sich bitte im Voraus an die Kreuzfahrtgesellschaft und erkundigen sich, ob die gewünschten Ausflüge ganz oder nur teilweise für ihre individuelle Situation geeignet sind. Dem Wetter angemessene Kleidung, Kopfbedeckung, Sonnenbrille und flache, bequeme Wanderschuhe werden generell empfohlen.

    Alle Programme an Land sind beschränkt und gelten vorbehaltlich der Verfügbarkeit. Programme, bei denen nicht die Mindestanzahl an erforderlichen Teilnehmern erreicht wird, können gestrichen werden. Die aufgelisteten Preise unterliegen Änderungen aufgrund von unerwartet eintretenden Kostensteigerungen für Transport, Landprogramme und Währungsschwankungen.

    Einmal erworben, ist der Preis garantiert und unterliegt keinen weiteren Änderungen. Überlandprogramme während der Kreuzfahrt sind spätestens 60 Tage vor dem Start der Kreuzfahrt zu buchen. Stornierungen, die 60 Tage oder weniger vor dem Abfahrtsdatum erfolgen, unterliegen einer Stornogebühr von 100 %.

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